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Compensation Request - Fryke (Awaiting Greg)

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Arnhem, The Netherlands
In-game Name: Seagull
Steam ID: 76561198229498372
Date this happened: 03/07/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 3
Please provide full detail and evidence: There was this hobo shooting at us inside our helicopter, without initiation. While we tried to land I crashed into a building and the rotors fell off, so we couldn't take off anymore. Since this guy had a gun with him and was willing to shoot, I took out my gun and gear out of my house and walked outside to confront him. Whilst I stepped out of my house I got a bullet in the back of my head, by the same gun who just shot at us. In the video you can clearly hear him not say a thing, after he shot us he told us to put our hands up, and shot my friend. Also, he was caught body glitching (Not sure though, figured to just include it). After he killed us we asked him to get to teamspeak, which he did not respond on, only by telling us he wasn't in the wrong. In total we gave him three chances to get to teamspeak, whilst that I got angrier, and treated him that I would report him and had a video of him killing us. I also said he would probably get banned, which I shouldn't have said. This got noticed by some members and said to me that that wasn't allowed, following that I apologized.
Link to any evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7rQ0eKpmgw
Lost items and total value of compensation.: Katiba 5.6mm - 65.000
Guerilla Appearel - 5.000
CTRG Plate Carrier Rig MK.2 (Heavy) - 7.500
Combat Helmet Grass - 3.000?
6.5mm 30Rnd Caseless Mag (3x) - 750
ARCO - No Idea

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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I dont see enough video on the whole thing for all i know they could have rp'd and were still in combat for all i know

sorry i mean told you to stop you denied and was able to shoot you

i know its a pain sumtimes but we must be as level as possible, hope you understand :)


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