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Compensation Request - Dr Smith (Completed)

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In-game Name: Govenor Maxwell Smith
Steam ID:
Date this happened: 03/23/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I completed a salt run in my huron, with £399,000 profit on me. I then went to do another run. After picking up more salt I landed at the UNMC border for inspection. I then took off again to go to the processor. I took off and attached my sling load cable to my zamak (with more salt inside it). The second the cable made the 100% connection both my huron and zamak blew up. The connection was made with both huron and zamak perfectly stationary on flat ground, no trees or vehicles nearby; it straight up blew up, no idea why.What's worse is that I died straight to the main spawn screen (it kills me twice in quick succession, allowing no chance for revival).

The evidence I have (as I can't record) from my POV is a screenshot showing the instant double death;

As you can see, I die twice within quick succession. So quick infact that the NLR timer you get upon bleeding out is displayed whislt I still am looking at where I died!
I managed to grab this right before the spawn screen popped up.

Immediately was moved from this screen to the spawn selector. Had 0 chance for revival.

I was also RPing with @WhoIsDan at the salt trader before this, he can attestify to this, I spent a great deal of time knocking down trees to save his huron;

I also have this from my money graph, proof I had the 399k;

I hope all that I have provided cumulatively is sufficient.

Link to any evidence:

Posted above

Lost items and total value of compensation.: 399k (not asking comp for the salt lost, simply the money I had on hand)
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Right @Dr Smith

Nice chunk of evidence here that can be used, though a video would have been the cherry on the ice-cream, but anyway.

Since your part of the staff team, I put faith in your judgement and know that you wouldn't try and frame the system.

For that I will be accepting your Compensation.

Accepted for 399,000 Pound

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