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Compensation Request - dizzleydawg - GTA RP

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New member

Character Name: Ryan Ray
Character ID: 27095
Steam ID: 76561198202795352
Game: GTA RP
Date: Jun 2, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: Had a 4 man team doing the bins leader head popped at the end we completed the 40 bins headed back to depot and we cannot unload the truck and claim the reward
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://gyazo.com/c5967aaf8210d69423cb2043ce021b26
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation 416613 split between 3 players (138,871) each
: Yes
Hello @dizzleydawg ,

I've looked into this issue that other players have been getting, I have gone ahead and talked to the devs about this and it was gathered that it was a bug and now fixed.

I will be issuing you compensation due to this issue.

Compensation Issued

CharID: 27095


  • £416,613
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