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Compensation Request - Dest1ny

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Active member
  1. In-game Name: Dest1ny
  2. Steam ID: 76561198075243766
  3. Date this happened: 03/16/20
  4. Please provide full detail and evidence: Due to a recent change in the server files some unobtainable vehicles reverted to civilian vehicles inside the player garage, however there was no 'item/vehicle name' discrepancy between obtainable and unobtainable undercover (Commander/SPECRTE) SUV's, so as a result all vehicles under that code were changed. The two obtainable undercover SUV's that I had acquired from civilians were changed in the recent update. I am politely requesting a compentation for my two obtainable SUV's that were misallocated.

    Something has dramatically changed since the last time I spoke with the developer 'sciencefreak', who assured me over Teamspeak that this was a simple error made by 'Jaffa' when implementing your server update. I find it very worrying that you've decided to punish players who legitamately acquire vehicles in a rule-bound fashion. Your comments on that fact that I may have obtained an unobtainable vehicle makes no sense what so ever, leading me to believe that there is an alternate agenda within this resolve. If the Undercover SUV's were unobtainable vehicles, then I would not have been able to obtain them, period. The Mayor also has access to these SUV's, however they can only be rented and not stolen. The only obtainable Undercover SUV's are from Civilians who have had these vehicles in their garage, they are seperate from the Police SUV's because I've tried before acquiring my two SUV's and found that I was not able to steal them because they belonged to a Faction. You are correct in saying that there is a difference between the two vehicles, one is obtainable via Civilians, and the other belongs to the Police which cannot be stolen by Civilians. What you've done now is completely delete all legitamatly acquired Civilian Undercover SUV's that have been in the system before the update, denying anyone of this certain type of vehicle. Regardless of wether or not you will disclose your true motive, you can't deny and punish players for doing what was fair and available at the time.

    The most recent comment; "Like your previous request this was a vehicle that you should not have obtained. Compensation refused."

    But I did... It wasn't just one vehicle, it was two. Two seperate vehicles, from two seperate Civilians, obtained legitimately. As I stated prior, 'I am aware that Faction vehicles can't be stolen, these were not Faction vehicles'. It comes down to server side or developer error, either that or you're just banning all Undercover SUV's. If in the case of server/dev error then I should be compensated two legitimately obtainable Undercover SUV's. There was no foul play acquiring these vehicles, only the matter of you stripping dedicated players of their hard earnt items. Twice I have been denied with reasoning that doesn't make any sense. Why is it so hard to replace my vehicles with two 'obtainable' Undercover SUV's. "You should not have obtained these vehicles" isn't an adequate resolve, especially since those particular Undercover SUV's were in circulation for some time.
  5. Link to any evidence:
  6. Lost items and total value of compensation.: Two Undercover (Command/SPECTRE) SUV's
  7. Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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I have spoken to development and thus is the final response you shall get. The undercover SUV skin should never have been obtainable, some coding was done to ensure this has happened and it seems that 1 or 2 vehicles have slipped through the net (IE had this skin when they shouldn't have) and have since been corrected. Hence the skin has been removed.

  1. It comes down to server side or developer error, either that or you're just banning all Undercover SUV's. If in the case of server/dev error then I should be compensated two legitimately obtainable Undercover SUV's. 
If someone had bought an RPG off someone in game and it wasn't detected so we then decide to remove that RPG, we wouldn't just then give them out to people because they bought them 'legitmately'.

The undercover SUV is not an obtainable vehicle and as such you will not be getting 2 'put into your garage.'

If you want to roll around in one as a civ, consider becoming the mayor.

Compensation Request Denied.

Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

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