Dave The MILO Man
- In-game Name: Jay Guevara
- Steam ID: 76561198023963077
- Date this happened: 02/27/20
- Please provide full detail and evidence: I sold a 7.62 suppressor on the AH for 420k. Upon recieving the message i went to kavala post office to redeem my money. I redeemed it and took off in my helicopter, soon after i saw teh red chain and was kicked from server. When i reconnected i found that the money was not in my bank nor in my pocket and i my auction house history had been erased.
I have not got a video but im sure the logs will show me recieving the money then disconnecting a few minutes later. The AH history should have the sale too. - Link to any evidence:
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773994568289410042/78C2699D3B2F160EAE0C884433E65433D688D774/ - Lost items and total value of compensation.: 420k or a 7.62mm suppressor please and thanks.
- Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes