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Compensation Request - Danish Pirate

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Roleplayer of The Month till 2020
Elite Donator
Legendary Donator
Pokêmon League
In-game Name: PAR. Danish Pirate
Steam ID: 76561198044306751
Date this happened: 01/10/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I started my day by playing as a cop, while patrolling I was told I was promoted in the NHS, so when my patrol ended. I did the RIR exam and passed. I went back on the server as a medic and went out patrolling in the hatchback sport, and then I saw that I had only received 0£ from my 15 minute paycheck, so I checked my bank balance and saw that it was all gone. You can see that I lost exactly all of my money and there's no vehicle, that cost the exact amount of money I had in my bank, and if I had transfered it, then someone's balance would have been increased by the exact amount of money I had.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: 7,671,146£
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
This would be a thing to be checked via the database. @TinyBigJacko or @Ciaran would be best for this. 

This will be on hold until we can verify with the appropriate people. 

Comp the player, please; the amount stated.

Not going into detail here, but there is an occasional glitch; the zero-payment wages is partially a clue to this, though we are not 100% sure of the setup.

Player, please advise us ASAP if you have a repeat of the situation while playing as Medic or Cop. Thanks.

Compensation Request Accepted for the value of  £7,671,146

Please contact a member of Staff on teamspeak to get this actioned @Danish Pirate

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