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Compensation Request - DairyleaPP (completed)

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Well-known member
In-game Name: Dearyleapp
Steam ID: 76561198282703728
Date this happened: 03/26/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: We went to west rebel outpost however we had a game bug that killed anyone who walked up the stairs. me and MUNCHSTICKLE got 215k from the floor off these two guys that were inside a offroad but killed in a gunfight and we went upstairs to spend spend spend but were instantly killed. I will provide screen shots because I have nowhere to evidence the video. The Admin JAMZ witnessed the situation and we proved this bug was ongoing so if you think my evidence is not enough JAMZ can provide a statement also.
Link to any evidence: http://prntscr.com/akcc14 NEXT SCREEN SHOT http://prntscr.com/akccub NEXT SCREEN SHOThttp://prntscr.com/akcdmu NEXT SCREEN SHOT http://prntscr.com/akceee
Lost items and total value of compensation.: I'm guessing my gear was worth about 100k - 120k and my mates worth bout 30k I'm not sure tho we never bought it we gave money to colleagues and we both lost £215,999 because of the two guys were in a gang (I'm guessing they were both buying same gear) . If you need more evidence or possible video evidence please just say and ill try to give more but also ask JAMZ.
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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My bad. I apologise for your wait, I completely forgot about this with all the other forum/game/teamspeak work I have :p



1,045,634 + 561,998 = 1,607,632

Compensation completed. - 06/04/16

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