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Compensation Request - BOTW CrazyCabbage

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Romania, Bucharest 🇷🇴
  1. In-game Name: Toma
  2. Steam ID: 76561198261394434
  3. Date this happened: 25/03/19
  4. The Server this happened on.: Server 1
  5. Please provide full detail and evidence: I decided to rob a gas station by doing roleplay, it was all going fine until some cops in a hurry decided to be jerks, I had a viable story and medical facts brought along with me, they didn't succeed to stop me so they impounded my car with no RP whatsoever.
    Even the intervention on the robbery was full of poor RP.
    https://youtu.be/wMjxX39howM - Link to the recording
    Players involved:
    Me- Toma
    Officer 1 - PC imaK [9394]
    Officer 2 - SGT SinLess [5756]
    Officer 3 - PC Will Grigg [5724]
    Mistakes - Impounding my car with no actual reason nor roleplay
  6. Link to any evidence:
  7. Lost items and total value of compensation.: 1x MXC 6.5 mm (Khaki) = £150,000
    1x DMS (Green Hex) = £60,000
    7x 6.5 mm STANAG Mag = £1,000 / mag
    Total = 217,000£
  8. Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

@BOTW CrazyCabbage 

as this compensation request is based on a complaint you have about the police force I will have to request you to file a report a player.

the outcome of this compensation request is dependent on the outcome of the report a player.

however, I highly suggest trying to resolve this with the players involved first.

after waiting some time i noticed that no plans have been made to put up a report a player therefore this request will be denied and archived

Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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