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Compensation request(Asked to be posted by maratek, was told gear on me and gear in my house would be comped for if i can prove... (Refused)

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Here is a link to the Video where, SPC ross fires upon me, without engaging RP, i hide in a garage and tell him to 'put the weapon down, i want to see a warrant for my house being searched and talk to the police'. Ross is running toward me hiding in this garage, not caring to take cover, not valuing his life, goes full rambo. Then doesn't speak to me to try and issue compliance, even though i've asked him to drop his gun and show me a warrant, he doesn't say a thing, shoot at me, kills me. even though i'm hid round a corner not aim at him. You can see the muzzle flashes of his gun, showing that he just shoots at me. he is clearly in no danger as he is running around in the open, i just want to know why my house is being raided. and then fires at my pilot who is doing absolutely nothing. 

I was told by maratek and CSI fisher that if i can show evidence of this i will be comped for the Gear on me and my house, 

On me: MX

5 Mags

Carry all backpack

In my house:

Unknown what weapons, but officers told me upon getting taking to the station after NLR, and Maratek said in TS i had 56 illegal weapons in my Crate, however the Seizing Officer said it was 52 illegal weapons, the officers being SPC Ross and PC creator Chris. 

Here is the URL. 

              Joe 'Flash' Yalvac

Ingame name: [HU] Joe 'Flash' Yalvac
Arma UID: 76561198040343254

Edit 1: As Ross recommended a Template, here it is 

In game name: [HU] Joe ''Flash'' Yalvac
Steam ID: 76561198040343254
What was lost: Unknown amount of gear, Ross seems to have a list further in the comments, I believe it to be more than what is listed.

grand total: unknown, I would say over a mill as i spent at least that much stashing that gear.
the chopper in this video was also scrapped, its a humming bird 450k, no evidence of this, other than i dont have a humming bird in my garage anymore.

what happened: Here is a link to the Video where, SPC ross fires upon me, without engaging RP, i hide in a garage and tell him to 'put the weapon down, i want to see a warrant for my house being searched and talk to the police'. Ross is running toward me hiding in this garage, not caring to take cover, not valuing his life, goes full rambo. Then doesn't speak to me to try and issue compliance, even though i've asked him to drop his gun and show me a warrant, he doesn't say a thing, shoot at me, kills me. even though i'm hid round a corner not aim at him. You can see the muzzle flashes of his gun, showing that he just shoots at me. he is clearly in no danger as he is running around in the open, i just want to know why my house is being raided. and then fires at my pilot who is doing absolutely nothing.   In short, I was RDM'd by the officer in question and was promised comp if i can provide evidence. 


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Here's what we seized aswell as some civilian clothing by mistake:

3 Katiba
1 MX
1 TRG 20
13 6.5 TRACERS
11 5.56 TRACER
6 X 6.5 STANAG
4 X 6.65 200RND TRACERS
All this shows is you being killed, it has no audio of you speaking...
EDIT: It was 53 illegal firearms, attachments or ammunition.
EDIT 2: I guess i'll explain my story here since you're accusing me of everything.
You aimed at me and told me to put my gun down. We were raiding your house and someone already text us saying 'leave our house or you'll be shot'. The killing WAS NOT RDM. I've said it with you before, if someone threatens you in real life and you're a cop, let's say you'd be shot. 
The shots at your pilot were clearly warning shots intended not to hit him or any rotors. It was supposed to make him leave so we can at least try to fucking hear you...
In reply to @Harpo below me, I can't talk if we're shooting....
Also other officers there were:
@Commander Maratek
Not just me and Chris :)
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yh they wanted some and we gave it too you but guys law is the law and you broke it 

Regardless of what was said, you should have roleplayed the sequence regardless, no one had fired upon you so you should have had rubber bullets in your weapon. You have also admitted to me talking to you, maratek and Fisher can bare witness to this. 

I also had a vest of some form in there.
100% sure i had more STGs, and MX's, and at least one or two suppressors.
I had a few cop guns in there too, can't remember what their called. 
again, i don't know the exact amount of things in there. so i would ask again for the raiding officers to double check they've stated all that was taken. 

Ross this is also no place for an argument, I wish to speak to an admin as it is in their hands. I've already spoken to you in TS and that should be the end of it, i apologize for how i spoke. and had have nothing of the same from you, because of your actions. the last comment you just made was not needed. As this is a Compensation Forum not, an argument zone, please dont comment again unless you are going to help with the situatition i.e. a more comprehensive list of items lost

Regardless of what was said, you should have roleplayed the sequence regardless, no one had fired upon you so you should have had rubber bullets in your weapon. You have also admitted to me talking to you, maratek and Fisher can bare witness to this. 

I also had a vest of some form in there.

100% sure i had more STGs, and MX's, and at least one or two suppressors.

I had a few cop guns in there too, can't remember what their called. 

again, i don't know the exact amount of things in there. so i would ask again for the raiding officers to double check they've stated all that was taken. 

Ross this is also no place for an argument, I wish to speak to an admin as it is in their hands. I've already spoken to you in TS and that should be the end of it, i apologize for how i spoke. and had have nothing of the same from you, because of your actions. the last comment you just made was not needed. As this is a Compensation Forum not, an argument zone, please dont comment again unless you are going to help with the situatition i.e. a more comprehensive list of items lost
I was providing evidence and my story just for your information, and the reviewing admin's information. It was giving a background story in more detail, before you turned up and after you died.

That is the full list of things in there which me and @Ciaran decided how many times to add you to the wanted list for.

I'll be off then, g'day

PS: Template might help.

Why would you want to 'F**cking' hear me, when you have already RDMed me. I am in complete ignorance to this message sent, and i engaged RP. you couldn't see me. so you were not in danger you should have RPed, i will say it again, i do not wish to argue, maratek has already said if i can provide evidence of your actions he will comp, here is the evidence. if you want to talk to me further about this is will come onto TS if you so please.

I was on as a civilian and i believe a Ross did tell you to drop your weapon i don't know whether  it was you or not who was stood behind the wall aiming at officers as i wasn't meta-gaming but if i remember correctly Ross said "come out from behind the wall with your weapon down" at that point the armed man behind the wall started shooting this was after we received a message saying leave my house or be shot. At that point we called in back up and more armed men showed up to kill officers. The helicopter that shown up was flying very low to the ground and has there were a lot of armed men in the area Ross said to me over communication "can we send that helicopter a message to leave the area or we will fire warning shots" i then said "we can't do that because it would be meta-gaming" at that point we left you for a while then he fired warning shots. As for behind the wall incident you have no proof that he didn't issue compliance to you behind the wall. I don't think you should be comped for your gear or your house we was doing a raid on your house and if you wanted to see a warrant you wouldn't show up with a gun to ask for a warrant and tell police to drop there weapons that on a polices side is a threat to a officer and at that point we valued our lives and took out the threat.

thanks for your time


The video shows that he doesn't speak, you would be able to hear it over the heli, not only that Ross has ADMITTED to not saying, anything. he did so in TS with Maratek and Fisher present. you also were an arresting officer so how could you be on as a civilian, your post is complete sophistry. Here is a pic of you on as cop, And I will reiterate Ross Admitted to saying nothing, So you must either have schizophrenia or your lying. 

Edit1: Also, as seen by this video, none of us shot until ross did. no one dies in the chat, and you can clearly see us all disembark on the chopper. you can't even hear any shots from anywhere until ross opens fire. rosses shots break the silence, even more evidence showing that your post is full of illusion and sophistry.

Edit2: You also state i message was sent saying: '' Leave MY house or be shot '', as the home owner i know i did not send that message so your word 'my' is in misconception, because i didn't send that message, you can check the logs. Also you the 10 seconds between ross killing us, and shooting at the chopper isn't really ''waiting a while''.

on a side note. Your personal opinion matters little to me, i was told by maratek i would be comped for it all if i can provide evidence, and it is all here.

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The video shows that he doesn't speak, you would be able to hear it over the heli, not only that Ross has ADMITTED to not saying, anything. he did so in TS with Maratek and Fisher present. you also were an arresting officer so how could you be on as a civilian, your post is complete sophistry. Here is a pic of you on as cop, And I will reiterate Ross Admitted to saying nothing, So you must either have schizophrenia or your lying. 
He's not lying about being on as a civ, he was, as us raiding houses is bugged. He changed slots after.

In regards to me saying nothing, I can't exactly remember if I did say anything. I didn't have to anyway, you initiated the RP and you pointed a weapon at me with intent to shoot, which is enough reason to kill you. Infact either one of them on their own is enough reason.

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I was on as a civilian and i believe a Ross did tell you to drop your weapon i don't know whether  it was you or not who was stood behind the wall aiming at officers as i wasn't meta-gaming but if i remember correctly Ross said "come out from behind the wall with your weapon down" at that point the armed man behind the wall started shooting this was after we received a message saying leave my house or be shot. At that point we called in back up and more armed men showed up to kill officers. The helicopter that shown up was flying very low to the ground and has there were a lot of armed men in the area Ross said to me over communication "can we send that helicopter a message to leave the area or we will fire warning shots" i then said "we can't do that because it would be meta-gaming" at that point we left you for a while then he fired warning shots. As for behind the wall incident you have no proof that he didn't issue compliance to you behind the wall. I don't think you should be comped for your gear or your house we was doing a raid on your house and if you wanted to see a warrant you wouldn't show up with a gun to ask for a warrant and tell police to drop there weapons that on a polices side is a threat to a officer and at that point we valued our lives and took out the threat.

thanks for your time

I then received shots, which was followed by a  text message as can be observed from the video above...

He's not lying about being on as a civ, he was, as us raiding houses is bugged. He changed slots after.

In regards to me saying nothing, I can't exactly remember if I did say anything. I didn't have to anyway, you initiated the RP and you pointed a weapon at me with intent to shoot, which is enough reason to kill you. Infact either one of them on their own is enough reason.
The video does not show that, it shows him running into the garage. You shooting at him and him getting killed when he emerged from the garage. The cops are shooting first then asking questions, or answering them once a compensation report is filed. As is evidenced in this thread.

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The video does not show that, it shows him running into the garage. You shooting at him and him getting killed when he emerged from the garage. The cops are shooting first then asking questions, or answering them once a compensation report is filed. As is evidenced in this thread.
Maybe don't initiate the RP with a phone call then cry when you loose your stuff?

Maybe don't initiate the RP with a phone call then cry when you loose your stuff?
Did I initiate RP with a phone call or was it Joe? It has been proven exactly what has happened here, police have used lethals without engaging RP. Whether they were conducting a raid or not, this does not give them allowance to expend ammunition into civilians. I am sorry you think it is acceptable but according to the rules, it is not. 

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Did I initiate RP with a phone call or was it Joe? It has been proven exactly what has happened here, police have used lethals without engaging RP. Whether they were conducting a raid or not, this does not give them allowance to expend ammunition into civilians. I am sorry you think it is acceptable but according to the rules, it is not. 
Sorry, you're wrong. "Drop your weapon" Initiates RP and allows me to shoot. I'm not switching to my rubber bullet gun which is in my bag to just taze you...

Sorry, you're wrong. "Drop your weapon" Initiates RP and allows me to shoot. I'm not switching to my rubber bullet gun which is in my bag to just taze you...
Sorry, which part are you referring to? You seem somewhat confused, for clarificaiton I am referring to the lethals you fired into Joe. The evidence, the video supplied, shows you not initiating RP, it shows you RDM'ing someone. If you said something it would have been picked up from the chopper, the in-game mechanics allow for someone to be heard from <50m when speaking in direct. As you can hear from the video, the only sound echoing from below is that of gun shots. 

Why have you come onto this forum just to argue. Like youve made your point, petty little things like ''Maybe don't initiate the RP with a phone call then cry when you loose your stuff?'' Just isint needed. Im afraid, again, your lying, I didnt cry, and i didnt do nothing with my phone. thank you. post things that will help wilco get the bottom of this, or just stop getting butthurt, i think police officers should be a respectful on the forums as they should in game, and Ross, you need some Disciplinary action.

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Did I initiate RP with a phone call or was it Joe? It has been proven exactly what has happened here, police have used lethals without engaging RP. Whether they were conducting a raid or not, this does not give them allowance to expend ammunition into civilians. I am sorry you think it is acceptable but according to the rules, it is not. 
7C) Rubber bullets and tazers must be used unless lethal force orders are given from a high ranking officer.

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