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Compensation Request - Apertex

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  1. In-game Name: marti
  2. Steam ID: 76561198293710618
  3. Date this happened: 29/04/19
  4. The Server this happened on.: Server 1
  5. Please provide full detail and evidence: Was downed while my mate was at the hospital when the server crashed.
  6. Link to any evidence:
  7. Lost items and total value of compensation.: Lost my combat gear, 150k-200k
  8. Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
MXM, 10 mags for it, Night vision, Combat helmet, Black fullface bandana mask, Viper backpack, plate carrier, Pickaxe, lockpicks and first aids

Your compensation request has been approved however your money is currently being transferred to your bank account.

To speed up this process make sure you are not in game currently and make sure to respond to the member of staff if they are awaiting your response.


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