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Compensation Request - Afro

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In-game Name: Azarias Dweller
Steam ID: 76561198070362368
Date this happened: 12/01/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: so yeah what happend was i got this little pop up window telling me something was wrong evidence nr 1(https://gyazo.com/5e18bdb02cfac5f2126b03a73f869040), so i was doing weed. i sol deverything and got up to 2,5 mill witch u see in evidence 2(https://gyazo.com/114d08574fdc612b1b847219f4769eec) . then the window annoyed me, i pushed it and my game shut down. i opend it again spawned in athira and then i was back to 1,6 mill witch u see in evidence 3 https://gyazo.com/7fbaff39214dc2af6f43f3e3e8c5e7e8
Link to any evidence:
https://gyazo.com/114d08574fdc612b1b847219f4769eec https://gyazo.com/7fbaff39214dc2af6f43f3e3e8c5e7e8
Lost items and total value of compensation.: I lost a total of 1million- 1,1 million. if u need more evidence i have video
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes


You should sync before you log from the server.

We do not compensate for user error. As seen here.

@Jamz @Junior could one of you kind gents move this to refused and lock it please.

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