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Compensation Request - 7453tetis

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In-game Name: TGB-Mr.Gaben
Steam ID: 76561198072723886
Date this happened: 09/14/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Video Time line - 1:46:47-1:49:00 . Before this asscident i did weed run whit my gang and we just splited the money and this guy didnt understand the rules,he looks new to the game , actually in video you can see the guy on balconny ,that guy gave him the wepon and told him to kill me . I was roleplaying as bad guy who dosent like when people gets too close to them,specially hobos.. I just ned the comp of the 780 000 , that was the part of weed run for me from my gang. Thank you
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: 780 000
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Is it just me but do you Spawn / teleport at 21:20??? o_O

(Sorry if im not meant to reply to this xxx, thought it would be relevant)

it didnt restart,i lost 780 000 i got killed in green zone,and still i have no comp. what is this

Is it just me but do you Spawn / teleport at 21:20??? o_O

(Sorry if im not meant to reply to this xxx, thought it would be relevant)
it was server restart

why is the video this long? and any time to show the certain evidence we need?

Opps i see too, thats what you get for scanning too quick. ill look now

did you report him?

cant bro its from stream, the suppport of temaspeak confirmed it and said i will get the comp for 100 procent. he just said that i shouldnt spit in peoples faces. can i get the comp pleAS!!?!?!?!?

why is the video this long? and any time to show the certain evidence we need?
its a stream video,broadcast from stream i have given time lines!!!!!!!!!!!

1st: Which support was this?

2:Also i did apologise for not seeing it 

Opps i see too, thats what you get for scanning too quick. ill look now
And as for the support part, they should not have garanteed it and the staff member dealing with it makes the decision. We request that if it is an a suspected RDM then it to be reported or shown that we was banned at that moment.

This isn`t a server side issue, unfortunately your request is turned down.


Player was not reported nor banned, the compensation request has been rejected under these terms. Any problems please speak to gregory or the staff member that rejected the compensation request. 

Do not abuse the report feature we have on our forums to try and change or challenge a decision made by a member of the staff team.

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