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compensation refused due to, Refused due to template not being used Please follow our rules (Refused)

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Crusty Balls

Active member
Dear Wilco, 

 Thanks i see you have refused my claim of refund when your server crashed and i pressed respawn as was the only option available but apparently this isnt allowed under server rules(even though you give the option)???

I was one of many players having to do this that day so not me alone. so all the money i have worked hard getting over 6-8 months is gone along with my points. Thanks very much good to see you look after your players on this server. 

Just a heads up, if it was denied for not using the template, bitching without a template isn't going to help.

I look after people... what i do not look after is the people too lazy to follow our very clear forum rules...

If you press "respawn" when stuck on any altis server it will completely wipe your player and restore you as a fresh spawn.

If you cannot be bothered to copy and paste a template we cannot be bothered to compensate it.

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Moving to refused as template not used... this isnt a discussion forum its a compensation request one.

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