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Comp Request

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Leamington Spa
In-game name: ChrisC

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198125689702
What was lost:
197k Cash, a donator gun which cost like 13k, a rebel skin like 7.5k

Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): £217,500

Quick description of what happened: I spent ages doing a Frog Leg run in hemtt truck, about to run over to the carshop ATM over in athira and when i got out it flung me onto the roof and i died, i attempted to go back and searched everywhere but couldn't find it and also consistently pressing windows key to try pick it up if stuck on roof. The attached screenshot is just to further validate and that's all i could get because obviously this was unexpected event so no recording.


Time / Date - 06/04/2015 - Around 1:20-1:25AM




I've been asked to repost if i have any additional evidence the second screenshot link was taken 12:46AM with the clothes i had and it further validates this claim. That's all I have

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bit sketchy having a convenient picture of you at a VIP store, unfortunately shows no time details.

Completed, but If things like this happen again, do whatever you can to get decent evidence or it will be rejected.

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