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Comp Request (Completed 22/02/2015)

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Farmer Giles

Well-known member
In-game name: [uGN] - Jordan

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile):  76561198064653472


What was lost:

MXM 60k 

6.5 silencer 40k

Arco 1k

Recon Fatiques 17.5k

Protector helmet 2.5k

Plate Carriers 7.5k

14* 6.5 Stanag 8.4k

Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): 


Quick description of what happened: 

Got VDMed with my gun out the people noticed i had an assault rifle and then all got out the car down the road and was hunting me. they killed me without rp. when i was dead i requested a medic, but they looted my body and took all my clothes off the lot! Spoke with mentor johnjoeegan but got banned by wilco i believe. 

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I spoke to Jordan on TS, we got the men in question to hop into the help channel, when they joined they admitted that they did use this exploit to Myself, they said it over voice so sadly i do not have the recording because i don't record Team-speak but i can give you my word, The men in question later got banned, but the reasons are not part of this Comp request. If you need anymore info to do with this matter just give me a shout. :)

I spoke to Jordan on TS, we got the men in question to hop into the help channel, when they joined they admitted that they did use this exploit to Myself, they said it over voice so sadly i do not have the recording because i don't record Team-speak but i can give you my word, The men in question later got banned, but the reasons are not part of this Comp request. If you need anymore info to do with this matter just give me a shout. :)
Thanks man! Thats why i was recording but got told to stop aha!

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