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Combatlogging Cop (Rejected with warning)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Euan
Time & Date this happened:around 10PM
Which Server did this happen on: 2
Description of what happened: Killed a cop, then he combatlogged
What Rule Was Broken ?: Combatlogging
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Did not find him on teamspeak, and he did not reenter the game
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/34112262293585525/54C9FAD79065617D28CF9B607A6645E0488933F4/
i waited 25seconds before i left, i left to go play another game because every cops on server 2 had been 3-4 man groups patrolling kavala i waited ample time and went to cool off

And why combatlog? You cops get your gear for free..
You sorta contradicted yourself there Omligon, exactly, why would a cop combat log? This just confirms (for me anyway) that it was 

pure coincidence that he died as he was coming off, or did it to cool off for a bit. But anyway I'm not taking sides just making a point and before it happens, lets attempt to not make this a post that turns into insults and hate...

You sorta contradicted yourself there Omligon, exactly, why would a cop combat log? This just confirms (for me anyway) that it was 

pure coincidence that he died as he was coming off, or did it to cool off for a bit. But anyway I'm not taking sides just making a point and before it happens, lets attempt to not make this a post that turns into insults and hate...

I feel you of all people should understand that people need to cool off after certain situations, as you have been accused of combat logging no less than 3 or 4 times Omligon and you always seem to have a similar excuse.

You sorta contradicted yourself there Omligon, exactly, why would a cop combat log? This just confirms (for me anyway) that it was 

pure coincidence that he died as he was coming off, or did it to cool off for a bit. But anyway I'm not taking sides just making a point and before it happens, lets attempt to not make this a post that turns into insults and hate...

I feel you of all people should understand that people need to cool off after certain situations, as you have been accused of combat logging no less than 3 or 4 times Omligon and you always seem to have a similar excuse.
@Edgar Ville

i logged 15-20 seconds after if you were a cop then you would understand that when every other cop on the server has grouped into 3-4 people in a group and patrol one constabulary and you die alone u feel the need to go punch a wall every now and then but i dont i log off well after my gear wont respawn as i leave the server and go play another game or watch a film i do not combat log ive been on this server alot longer than alot of people, i follow the rules and stick by them, yes we cops make mistakes but if u lot didnt weild the leave or die ticket everytime u know ure about to get arrested then we wouldnt be so stressed

Rejected with a warning. Wait some time before logging off in the future. If I see another report against you for the same thing it will be an instant ban and I may not be so nice when it comes to the dispute.

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