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Cider Facroty


Well-known member
Cider factory doesnt work. I stand in front of the pad and doesnt give me the option to buy license for the processor. I wanted to brew berr, but that wasnt possible.

Is that a glitch? Is it something else? Do developers know? Does anybody knows?

Cider Processor doesn't require a license to use, it should just allow you to process
Thanx @Mattch for the answer. I went couple of times there and i thougth it was broken. Once i had potatoes, i thought i could destile whisky, but nothing. Can you say pls, which products can use at the processor? Which is for cider, whiskey or beer?

Apples from the Apple Field -> Cider Processor -> Sell in Kavala Bar
One last question,pls. What about beer? Can you make beer at cider processor or there is no option for beer at all? i cannot find a beer processor...
