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Chunky - (Action: Ban Issued 24/11/2014)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [Gc] Chunky
Time & Date this happened: ‎Today, ‎November ‎23, ‎2014, ‏
Description of what happened:  Today we were roaming around looking for a hostage to take to get some extra money, velocity said this is a hostage situation when i knocked him out and velocity zipped tied him, We then take him to the car and try to put him in when he glitches out of the car to stop us from taking him he then rants about how we didn't RP or blah blah blah and how were going to get banned generally not caring about the rules . his friends all of a sudden showed up out of nowhere and i was killed.... Kinda sad that he didn't even attempt to RP
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Don't wish top
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

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I would just like to add something here, I was walking around the city and just got knocked out by one of them. These two were the leaders of the Altis Cartel and they are doing it to all of us. Do you see him adding the footage of him restraining me? They are targeting us just by using our name tags. 

We have changed our Clan and our names and they still are targeting us. I am not sure what to do when they just keep doing this with people with [Gc] in there name.

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Now that is a outright lie.... We saw you and decided that we were going to take you, you were the first person we saw. Also we did this to you and only you (random picking) and then you decided to pull this stunt, We haven't been on since we didn't wanna play since you metagamed the hell out of your location while you were restrained, How could you tell your member that we had you? Huh? Check logs we havent been back since.. Also i don't have footage of restraining you because i expected people to roll play, you glitched out of the car not once but twice, the first time is when i turned on the recorder and the 2nd is in the video, then all of a sudden your member killed me.....

How could he possibly know we were there unless you were talking in TS while it was going on.....

Shame that you saying we did this to everbody is a outright lie just to cover your ass on the NON RP and Glitching of the car.....

Sam was there and i think he will agree with me more then you, and trust me i have no hard feelings toward any of you guys.. its a game, i don't get butthurt unless people abuse the game like you have in the video above yelling out about admins and generally not RPing while giving our position away and stalling time... Why do you think you were glitching out the car? We think to make time so your buddy can come and save you that ended up dying after he killed me..

Serious RP community, I advise you learn how to

I apologize if you feel that way, but I can guarantee that I just logged in and you knocked me out within seconds, no role play at all. I would like to request the previous 30 seconds to a minute before this please. You always record and I know you do because we was in the same team. You are always recording. 

I apologize for jumping out of role play and saying they was breaking the rules as I just read a topic Wilco made about 2 hours ago, I apologize for this and won't happen again, but the reason I did this was purely that I just logged in and got knocked out.

I now am using ShadowPlay to stop this from happening in the future.

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Like i said, i don't have the recording, we just got on and i only livestream now or take SS and very rarely record as i havent needed to because most people don't break rules, You did it not once but twice, the first time is when i started to record because if you did it once youll do it again......Then you metagamed when you were restrained to give your guys positions as what was happening... I don't always stream or record but i can be for certain velocity yelled to you, this is a hostage situation.. i herd it in skype then you went on and on about how were going to be banned... Why would we break rules just to get you? Sounds a bit retarded imo

This still doesn't negate the fact that you were lying about us taking members all over and such.. we took you then you broke rules so we decided not to get back on for that simply fact

(EVEN IF) we did restrain you without saying a word (we did say something) it gives you the right to metagame our positions and glitch out the car so you can wait for your pals to come?

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Lets just wait for an Admin to overlook this, I have stated the facts from my side and i have apologised for jumping out of role play. This is my first report on this site and its not a fair report, I always Roleplay and enjoy it.

I await the admins response.

If you RP'd always then that wouldn't have happened the way you spoke about getting banned and glitching out of the car. Its more then enough of a fair report, you broke the rules simple as the sky above the altis land

But i'll stop, ill let a admin decide

Video has been edited .....I would want to see what led up to this make sure you sort that out in future reports...

As for glitching ... this is exploiting and no matter what the circumstances should not be done! Therefore im issuing a ban

91a605e1af695e0c85292a421e5d6bdd -1 Chunky - Forum Report 24/11/2014

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