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Chirven - Unban request (Denied)

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So me and Idler, were being pulled over by the police while we were at a three night LAN party to celebrate Warlords of Draenor the new expansion for the popular MMO World of Warcraft. While we were waiting for the launch at midnight, me and Idler decided to kick back and play some Arma 3 Altis Life. We were going over to the rebels base and we were shot at by Police who later ADMITTED to shooting us randomly . After that we pulled over (lucky none of the bullets hit us) and cooperated and even got into the police car. Because of high internet load at our LAN party our internet frequently disconnected not only in WoW but in Altis Life too. You can look at records of before to see that we were frequently  disconnected while playing and the times when that happened before were not in situations that would be regarded as combat logging. Unfortunately our internet DCed about 30 mins after we were pulled over and I remember shouting at our LAN party host and complaining about how we might get banned because of his crap internet. To no surprise we were banned and I personally apologize  to the obviously infuriated police officers. While I do feel that I owe the police officers I would like to comment on the sloppy police work that occurred. As we approached the road block, conveniently placed just outside the rebel border (OOC much?) we were shot at by a CSO. I honestly was surprised that a server with such a professional police force could have done something that would risk the lives of players that have worked so hard for their gear.  


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Hello bud. Please do not attempt to take the heat off yourself by insulting the Police Force with all this "such a professional police force" etc nonsense. Yes, we are good and we do our job well. A PCSO saw you speeding and swerve to avoid the Police Checkpoint, he presumed you were attempting to go past it and therefore attempted to disable your vehicle. He aimed only at your wheels, hence why you did not catch a bullet. You then proceeded to run into the bushes until I caught both yourself and your friend after he tried to kill me. Your connection appeared fine and I noticed no issues between us whilst RPing until I went to get the vehicle to place you both in it.

As for the Checkpoint, we can have it there. It's our job to filter shit heading towards UNMC checkpoint. It's Police jurisdiction. Also, it was not "just outside" the UNMC zone, it was quite far up the road near a town by Paros. That is why no UNMC got involved.

If you're LAN was bad, you shouldn't be playing ArmA. I'm sorry to appear harsh but you should have known the risks especially considering the amount of stuff you had done.

To summarize -

Your vehicle was shot and that Officer was spoken to by a DI. I apologized to you and explained the situation and why he fired at your vehicle

You did not Co-operate. You hid in the large bushes until arrested which then resulted in your friend attempting to shoot and kill me.

You RPd with me (thanks for that) but the moment I said I was going to grab my Police Vehicle and explained jail was the only outcome, you both went.

I don't appreciate you trying to somewhat make out the Police did something majorly wrong. Your wheels were shot at because an Officer thought you tried to avoid a checkpoint. Your life was never in danger as the weapon they had was a non lethal rifle.

Maybe what your saying is true. But you had a 1.6m Bounty bud. Just seems far to convenient for you to disconnect after being caught. As I said before. If you knew your internet was choppy "You can look at records of before to see that we were frequently  disconnected" you shouldn't have been playing a game that has a community dedicated to RP. There are far too many opportunities for you to have been disconnected during RP and that's exactly what has happened.

Would also like to add multiple users confirmed witnessing you perform Combat Logging on separate occasions.

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Can I just say that I have convinced my parents to get BT Infinity so my internet will be more reliable now. 

Hello bud. Please do not attempt to take the heat off yourself by insulting the Police Force with all this "such a professional police force" etc nonsense. Yes, we are good and we do our job well. A PCSO saw you speeding and swerve to avoid the Police Checkpoint, he presumed you were attempting to go past it and therefore attempted to disable your vehicle. He aimed only at your wheels, hence why you did not catch a bullet. You then proceeded to run into the bushes until I caught both yourself and your friend after he tried to kill me. Your connection appeared fine and I noticed no issues between us whilst RPing until I went to get the vehicle to place you both in it.

As for the Checkpoint, we can have it there. It's our job to filter shit heading towards UNMC checkpoint. It's Police jurisdiction. Also, it was not "just outside" the UNMC zone, it was quite far up the road near a town by Paros. That is why no UNMC got involved.

If you're LAN was bad, you shouldn't be playing ArmA. I'm sorry to appear harsh but you should have known the risks especially considering the amount of stuff you had done.

To summarize -

Your vehicle was shot and that Officer was spoken to by a DI. I apologized to you and explained the situation and why he fired at your vehicle

You did not Co-operate. You hid in the large bushes until arrested which then resulted in your friend attempting to shoot and kill me.

You RPd with me (thanks for that) but the moment I said I was going to grab my Police Vehicle and explained jail was the only outcome, you both went.

I don't appreciate you trying to somewhat make out the Police did something majorly wrong. Your wheels were shot at because an Officer thought you tried to avoid a checkpoint. Your life was never in danger as the weapon they had was a non lethal rifle.

Maybe what your saying is true. But you had a 1.6m Bounty bud. Just seems far to convenient for you to disconnect after being caught. As I said before. If you knew your internet was choppy "You can look at records of before to see that we were frequently  disconnected" you shouldn't have been playing a game that has a community dedicated to RP. There are far too many opportunities for you to have been disconnected during RP and that's exactly what has happened.
Perhaps what I said about your checkpoint was harshly judged. The reason why we did not cooperate was because we did not what to get arrested or killed especially after the first shot was fired. I understand too, that the first shot was accidental and nothing to do with you or your leadership over the checkpoint. Obviously we are still in the wrong whether you believe what we did to be combat logging or not. A choppy internet is not a good excuse for our case since we should have, but didn't, understand the severity of disconnects especially when RPing with police, bounty hunters etc. If we do get unbanned I promise on behalf of me and Idler that we will be doubly sure that when playing we are not playing with any risk of being interrupted IRL or in terms of internet (even though it is very unlikely I will get DCed outside of that LAN party).

Was going to action this today but saw you bumped it 4 times now. Might look at it tomorrow.

Was going to action this today but saw you bumped it 4 times now. Might look at it tomorrow.

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