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Chirven + Idler (Action: Bans Issued 13/11/2014)

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Inspector Walt of the FPD
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Chirven | Idler
Time & Date this happened: 20:45 GMT
Description of what happened: Chirven and Idler were successfully stopped and detained by myself (DSGT Walt) and other Paros Officers. Whilst dealing with them, due to their crimes it became apparent jail was the only outcome. When I went to get my vehicle and take them to Paros HQ they logged out. I would like to point out that Chirven was wanted for Robbery of...13 I believe and the killing of 14 and the fact he logs when caught by the Police is poor behaviour.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No. I posted this immediately after the incident and have been told by other Officers they have had the same issues with these players.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here http://i.imgur.com/IQATfMO.jpg
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
That is very naughty. Very naughty indeed. Sadly, they would have experienced the awesome power of the Walt's RP skills but they missed out on that. - That is the first part of their punishment.

The second part is in the hands of the admins.

I can confirm a bit of combat logging from them myself, Me LRG Smoke and LRG Harry teamed up with them for about 20 minutes for a robbery at the Handgun shop near kavala, after the BH and police got them they immediately combat logged. 

e394cff713339707dad4e045d668d60b -1 Chirven - Forum Report 13/11/2014
ec7bd4f8eecda1dff8f4a229308104eb -1 Idler - Forum Report 13/11/2014
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