Active member
I dont really know how to start this sort of post off as i've stayed quiet throughout any argument to do with 'The Ghost Cartel' and Wilco, being a member of Gc ive seen first hand all the stupid childish arguments started by both sides. I'm not here to ask @Wilcoto unban anyone because at this point no one cares but this situation with Scott has gotten extremely out of hand. Im a friend of Scotts and he cares about the server just as much as anyone else but please dont jump too conclusions when im saying this that you think im defending stuff he has done. Prank calls, abusive language etc. is obviously out of order and extremely childish but he proved pretty clearly that he can RP and follow rules as im sure you know that he managed to become a member of the police recently, if that doesnt prove he can contribute to the server i dont know what does. As ive already said im not asking for Scott to get unbanned but maybe a grown up conversation would go a long way instead of all these indirect comments. Just an opinion of course that not everyone will agree with.