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Changes to the Police & Groupe 6 Bean Bag Launcher.


Although this will be a short suggestion it will be straight to the point, I feel that the Bean Bag launcher within the city is way to overpowered when put into comparison with the IRL UK Police issue Bean bag launcher. In past events I and countless others have been shot repeatedly from an excessive distance of 150m plus by this weapon until an different officer can get closer. This shouldn't be the case.

The UK riot police issued ARWEN 37 bean bag launcher has an official Maximum range of 100m, I will also add that this type of weapon (bean bags/rubber bullets) has rarely been used in UK... taking this into consideration with the fact that this is a game not real life, I suggest that the bean bag launcher within city is brought to a more realistic standard by limiting its range to 90-100m and also changing the amount of time it takes to recover from being hit by said bean bag depending on the distance from the officer that shot it.

i.e. If you are within 10-25m the launcher would remain as is keeping the player on the floor for an extended period of time, however if a player in the 70m -100m feet range was too be hit they would be able to recover within 3-5 seconds, finally I also think the accuracy of the weapon should deteriorate over longer distances as a big bean bag will put against more forces (wind & weight & carrying speed over longer distances ) as it traves to a further target making accuracy over longer distances worsen.

I think all these changes would make the bean bag launcher a fair realistic weapon to use and not something that is seen as a spammy not realistic gun that upsets the community. 


Screenshot 2023-11-15 161428.png

I agree with some of your points but tbf the beanbag rifle is nowere near as strong as it used to be, you used to be able to bag people out of closed windowed vehicles in one shot, now it takes a few along with the old range which used to be more or less infinite. I do agree it needs nerfing to a degree, There is a single shot grenade launcher it could be replaced with that would make it better and just being a one shot with a changed model, This added with increased downtime in ragdoll when your hit I reckon would make it a balanced nerf... IMO
