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Cant defend my self up on a report on me


How can I defend my self when topic is locked in "Awaiting Action"Where do i put in my defence?yeah yeah I broke rules,but the other guy did also :)

If it's this topic....

It's locked because you started a post in report a player to complain about being reported. You need to "defend" yourself on the actual post reporting you (or the admins won't see your defence anyway)

Hope that helps.

Well your report on me is locked also mate and always has been so it will be a total victory for you mate

I don't follow? The one I mentioned is the only one I've locked.

If the original report about you is locked then please await an admin decision and if necessary (after any decision) post an unban request in the proper way and place if that option is available to you.(ie you've not been banned before).
