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Can we buy weed from the drug dealer in kavala?


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The community
Hello to anyone reading, this is just a little idea so I thought I'd start a topic on it to see what people thought. What does everyone think about being able to buy weed from the drug dealer? It is good for role play and I've noticed it gives people something to laugh about and it creates funny conversations and good role play situations with police. You could say well go and collect some from the weed field but, the trouble is if I go to the wield field I want to maximize the profits for the risk so I never keep any left overs for the fellow bumbaclarts in Kavala. Me and the hobos (I'm a hobo) only want a few pieces to smoke, so maybe we could buy weed from the dealer at double the price it sells for so no one can exploit? Thoughts on this. :)

And then I also thought, You could change the laptop to a priest/vicar/father what ever you want to call them so he can be a cheeky devil of a vicar because he actually sells drugs. I don't know how easy or hard this would be to chuck in the new framework but a religious looking guy and the ability to buy weed would be cool slightly funny. Not pissing myself laughing funny like but it might make someone pull a smile. :L

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If this was to be, the weed should be humongous expensive.

+1 from me. I've heard a lot of people coming up with this idea, but haven't seen it posted on the suggestions yet.

Can it be done for all drugs?

Adds loads of RP potential. Buying weed should also increase the dynamic market price for week.

Can also create interesting money-making scenario's where if a gang has crashed the price of weed, people can buy weed at a low price, to sell it for a bit of profit at a higher price.

Maybe just make it so buying is about £500 per unit more than selling? Obviously Mr. drug dealer needs to make a profit!

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+1 from me. I've heard a lot of people coming up with this idea, but haven't seen it posted on the suggestions yet.

Can it be done for all drugs?

Adds loads of RP potential. Buying weed should also increase the dynamic market price for week.
Can also create interesting money-making scenario's where if a gang has crashed the price of weed, people can buy weed at a low price, to sell it for a bit of profit at a higher price.

+1 from me. I've heard a lot of people coming up with this idea, but haven't seen it posted on the suggestions yet.

Can it be done for all drugs?

Adds loads of RP potential. Buying weed should also increase the dynamic market price for week.
Can also create interesting money-making scenario's where if a gang has crashed the price of weed, people can buy weed at a low price, to sell it for a bit of profit at a higher price.
