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Can I recreate my character, (I think you reset if you make a new profile on ArmA?)

United Kingdom

I am wondering if I can recreate my character. I feel I have made some bad decisions that have lead to me spending money on things I wasn't using. I can still recover and all but I am just wondering if I can?


I do believe the admins/devs can reset your progress, but there is no way you can do this yourself. Setting up a new Arma profile resets your settings and so on, but is still linked to the same player ID, which means all progress carries over to the new profile. Going to tag @Neo @Wilcoand @Ciaranjust so they might help you :)

But, why would you want to reset? Why not keep the licences and other things you have? If you have things you dont use and/or dont want, just get rid of them by i.e getting them scrapped or something. 

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Why would you want to reset anyway? If you do that you may not have the licenses you shouldn't of bought but you'll be starting from nothing again, whereas you could stay at where you are now and just earn the money for other things?
