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Can any one help me plz

One Shot

Well-known member
So i can only play ARMA for about 30 mins and this happens


Checking wiki, what I've seen so far is this:

0x00000001 – UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI

The game is unable to initialize a graphical subsystem. Possible solutions:

  • Update the graphics card drivers to a newer version.
  • Rollback the graphics card drivers to an older version.
  • Check the temperature of your GPUs and CPUs.
  • Disable the Steam Overlay.

Can you confirm that you've tried all of the above?

If it still doesn't work after that, we can go over some more troubleshooting.

- Marc

Bloody hell I struggle to download Skype on my computer and everyone is here chatting what is to me utter rubbish? 

Hey @INS One Shot  haven't got steam in front of me but found you can disable the steam overlay by going to

Settings > Steam Overlay > In-game > Disable Steam Overlay.

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Bloody hell I struggle to download Skype on my computer and everyone is here chatting what is to me utter rubbish? 
Same here @Kaden? I dont know what any of these words mean! I only got a gaming PC in december to play this was always on my laptop but armas ruined my laptop 

I can be brought in on a consultation basis ;) 
£150/hr 2 hour minimum right?

I can be bought with Franks Hot Wings or a BK Bacon Double Cheese XL super size.

but back on track to the original issue. Have a read through this post. Although tbh, I think you may need remote assistance if your struggling with being able to disable steam overlay.

If you have any questions about what is being said in that thread, just pop us a question here and we will be happy to explain :)
