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Can a civilian move restrained players


Active member
Basically like cops - If I restrain a person when I'm a civilian, can I move that person and throw him in vehicle?

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Basically like cops - If I restrain a person when I'm a civilian, can I move that person and throw him in vehicle?
i believe only if you restrain him otherwise you have to pick lock it

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If you zip tie a person any civilian can move/unzip said person. This includes putting them in vehicles.

If you ziptie a person you can use the windows key to move them etc, however anyone can move if they are ziptied. If they are handcuffed by police then only police can move them and they will need to be lock picked out. (As far as im aware) Bounty Hunters restraints act like unlimited zipties, meaning anyone can move the restrained person.

If you ziptie a person you can use the windows key to move them etc, however anyone can move if they are ziptied. If they are handcuffed by police then only police can move them and they will need to be lock picked out. (As far as im aware) Bounty Hunters restraints act like unlimited zipties, meaning anyone can move the restrained person.
Oh how I wold hate to be a bounty hunter after the countless hours of trying to get a name you finally restrain them then here comes a hobo and runs away with him.
