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Buy vehicles permanently

Whiskey Jack

United Kingdom
Okay well i'm relatively new to this server and already i'm quite fond of it however there are just some little features that I've noticed other servers have, that I think that perhaps AltisLife.co.uk could benefit from. So on servers such as the Asylum servers they have a system where when you purchase a vehicle you have the option to either buy it normally like you do currently or buy it with insurance or "Buy Insured" at a higher cost. I personally think that this is actually quite a nifty feature that could benefit those players who for example are new or don't have a great amount of money. Instead of forking out your hard earned cash and having the fear of some armed crook pull you over, steal your vehicle and later destroy it. You could have peace of mind knowing that your vehicle is safe and sound for you to get out of your garage, for a price of course. I guess to add a depth of realism you could possibly make it so every couple of weeks in game you have cash taken out of your account to pay for insurance and if you are not able to pay for it your vehicle becomes uninsured. What do you guys think? 

The problem is people will money dupe //insurance scam. You buy a car your friend scraps it then the insurance company buys you a new car

Puppy, the insurance option on asylum doesn't insure from being chopped. It insures from explosions. If someone destroys your car on asylum and it's not insured, it's disappears.

Hope that clears this up.


As long as it is not crushed by police or scrapped by criminals you get to keep your vehicle. No need for any type of insurance.
