Your In-game name: Budz.
Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198156307388
Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):
8e67e811af2 fe70346e2428e11932d07dcf8f495e5
Date & Time you was banned: 26/03/2015 - Somewhere around 1:30 pm Pacific time
Please copy and paste the rule you broke: I Honestly I think it was because I was in a kidnapping and my internet fu**** up and couldn't get it back on for an hour and a half... Then when it did come back on I tried joining the server and it said I was banned and that the ban appeal was on this site, but I couldn't find it. It was yesterday 3/026/15
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:
3/026/15 Ok... I was running around Kavala square and this guy yells out my name (he's supposedly not supposed to know my name) and asks me if I want to get into his taxi. I do, and he says Budz once more, "This is a kidnapping". And I said ok. And just go along with it. A couple of minutes into it I have to use the restroom IRL. And I tell him, "Yo dude out of character Imma go use the bathroom real fast". I said that just to inform him if anything went down. I come back and it says connection to the host has been lost, session lost. And I started flippin out and yesterday the internet was being a bit crazy. The internet didn't come back on for another hour and a half. I try joining on the server and it says I was banned blah blah come to to come and do what I'am doing now. I think I deserve a second chance because of my internet issues and really that man that had me Kidnapped didn't really role play it out. He yelled out my name Not even Asking me what my name was. I really like this server because it's a really good server that likes to roleplay and I would like to continue to do so.
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here: 3/026/15. I could not find my ban appeal thingy.
Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198156307388
Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):
8e67e811af2 fe70346e2428e11932d07dcf8f495e5
Date & Time you was banned: 26/03/2015 - Somewhere around 1:30 pm Pacific time
Please copy and paste the rule you broke: I Honestly I think it was because I was in a kidnapping and my internet fu**** up and couldn't get it back on for an hour and a half... Then when it did come back on I tried joining the server and it said I was banned and that the ban appeal was on this site, but I couldn't find it. It was yesterday 3/026/15
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:
3/026/15 Ok... I was running around Kavala square and this guy yells out my name (he's supposedly not supposed to know my name) and asks me if I want to get into his taxi. I do, and he says Budz once more, "This is a kidnapping". And I said ok. And just go along with it. A couple of minutes into it I have to use the restroom IRL. And I tell him, "Yo dude out of character Imma go use the bathroom real fast". I said that just to inform him if anything went down. I come back and it says connection to the host has been lost, session lost. And I started flippin out and yesterday the internet was being a bit crazy. The internet didn't come back on for another hour and a half. I try joining on the server and it says I was banned blah blah come to to come and do what I'am doing now. I think I deserve a second chance because of my internet issues and really that man that had me Kidnapped didn't really role play it out. He yelled out my name Not even Asking me what my name was. I really like this server because it's a really good server that likes to roleplay and I would like to continue to do so.
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here: 3/026/15. I could not find my ban appeal thingy.