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Bring back the 8pm restart


Dev Team
Dev Leads
Los Santos Police Command
Los Santos NHS Command
Los Santos Police Trainer
Los Santos NHS Training
Los Santos Senior Firefighter
Los Santos
I have been hearing some good arguments for this from both police and gangs.

Just want to see what the community thinks.

9am would stay the same. 
Afternoon restart would be something like 3pm

and then a 8pm restart as usual.



I preferred the 8pm restart, not too sure why.

I think with the restart being at 6pm it is just too early, the city becomes sort of stale after 10/11pm but when it was at 8pm the city was still "fresh" later on into the night.

This might just be some type of 'mandela effect' of mine though.

What is the thinking behind changing back to 8pm? What advantages does this have over 6pm?

Tbh it felt like numbers where higher back when the restart was at 8pm it was also easier to manage police raids/server events with the restart being at 8pm, tbh it was more convenience than anything and I do wish it was brought back 

I find it nice to have at 6pm but that's because it makes event planning easier

Before when it was 8 you had to set the event to start at say 8:30/9pm and that meant either being ready before 8pm or logging in after and scrambling to be ready and setup

Haveing it at 6pm means theres plenty of time to organise and prep for things with an event

I asume one of the reasons for bringing it to 6pm was to make events easier to organise tbf

Other than like I say event planning I'm not sure what it changes really haveing it at either time ?

dont think it makes a diference, I prefer 6pm personally just because we can get deliveries done early without having to rush because of an 8pm storm.

I dont have access to login times, but I would assume people start coming on around 6/7pm for the night so makes sense to have a 6pm restart.

Such as ? 

Not against the suggestion just curious what it would change essentially.
The main argument is/was that 6pm is too early for the people that are coming in from work or uni etc and because there isn’t like a hard start point when everyone jumps on anymore, people tend to end up logging on somewhere between 7 and 10. Whereas when we had the 8pm restart there would be a lot of people jumping on at 8 because they knew everyone would be on. 

7pm restart
Yeah we did actually look into this when we first changed it but its a bit of an awkward time for the people that do the updates and hotfixes. Which isn’t a hard blocker but it does make it a lot harder for us to push out and update which is already a bit of an inconvenience as it stands.

dont think it makes a diference, I prefer 6pm personally just because we can get deliveries done early without having to rush because of an 8pm storm.

I dont have access to login times, but I would assume people start coming on around 6/7pm for the night so makes sense to have a 6pm restart.
we were monitoring it quite closely the first few weeks and it seemed to have a positive impact.

more players between 6-8 and only slightly less players between 8-12. Overal an increase of hours played basically.

But then came summer holidays and a bunch of other things happened that could have affected player numbers so we couldn’t really keep track of the effects any more.

I don’t fully understand why there is this mindset of you must jump on at the restart and if you miss that you just don’t come on or only come on very late. But, I have heard it said by quite a few people so just gauging if the rest of the community feels the same way

If anything move to 7pm to keep both sides relatively happy. For me it limits RP as being an old fuck with a full time job I try and come off at 10pm, which means with an 8pm restart or restricts to 2 hours roleplay as nothing really happens in that last 30 minutes upto restart.

+1 to 8pm restart.

6pm restarts are such an odd time for me, due to finishing work at 5.30pm.

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+1 for 8pm. Now its kinda like its in waves of people coming from 6 pm but by the time it gets 8 most people that been on since 6 are probably doing something else by 8 and its kinda stuck in a loop like that so u keep missing eachother. Where if the restart is at 8 u have more people coming on at one time 

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I have heard it said by quite a few people so just gauging if the rest of the community feels the same way
I mean with all the points raised by yourself, I have nothing against the restart being at 8. 

If it can increase playercount for some reason nothing wrong in brining back the 8pm storm.

8pm restart is the goat, lets people get home from work and what not to then log in fresh for 8pm 

big +1


I agree massively with the 8pm restart works for more people to all get on at that time etc, as people log on together and see others on they tend to stay around rather than logging on to a ghost town imo, just makes the server feel more alive.

I prefer the 6pm restart as it allows you to prepare and set up for the 8pm rush. Also is a good time as it allows us (police) to get some trainings and briefings done before it all hits the fan at 8pm.

8pm is just a bit too late tbh for a restart.
