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Breaking RP-Grashog

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Well-known member
Příbram, Czech Republic
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):  Grashog
Time & Date this happened: 18:53  10.1.2015
Description of what happened:
Yesterday I was robbed in UNMC territory by Grashog and TNW ReaTz. They have took my money, weapon, backpack and bulletproof vest. Then they went to weed processing and they killed two people. I was following them all the time when they were at UNMC and I was sending messages to UNMC soldiers but unfortunatelly UNMC soldiers were on mission in UK part of island so i went back to black market i bought weapon and i went to border checkpoint where were two other people (Axolotl and Billy Bob) also robber by Grashog and TNW ReaTz. Then one UNMC Sgt. (i cant remember his name) arrived and he told us he cant leave chcekpoint but one friend of these robber guys send us message that they are at UNMC chop shop so we went there to hunt them down. But we came late these guys logget out before we arrived. Today i was doing weed and I have recognized Grashog  because of his face, voice and same clothes. Then i told to all at weed processing:" I will tell you one story this guy have robbed me yesterday so please dont shoot me i will bring him to UNMC." Then he said: "I dont know what the f*ck are you talking about I died.  I have knocked him out and ziptied him. (now i started with recording) He started threaten me: I will report you and you will got banned. I took him to my heli and i was shot in back. (No problem with that I started RP action, but warning will be nice next time.) 
Today part of story can be confirmed by vitnesses PLF Meow, STU.Daniel and Mycealis. 
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
1st part of video is from yesterday, the 2nd is from today. I am sorry for noise in backround.
Thank you very much for your time and for solving this problem.
Firstly, all the robbing ( which is not even against the rules) was done by role playing. Secondly, yesterday we did not log out in the chop shop but we simply stopped playing after we got killed by a clan, which raided the place.Throughout the whole action at the weed processor  I've done nothing wrong, the fact that you got shot in the back by someone else is not my fault.

I dont have any problem with robbing that was ok I am only trying to explain all the situation. (Reason why i was trying to bring you to UNMC soldiers is that I wanted you black listed because robbing people in UMMC is against UNMC laws. And I dont want robbers in UNMC territory.) Ok you were killed that is something which i dont know. And at weed processor you have done wrong that you told me: "I will report you and you will got banned"- This is reason why i report you because it is breakning roleplay. And as is written above i dont have any problem with that i was shot in back. Thank you for replying.

Clearly this is a problem of being not aware that he died.

You didn't know he died yesterday so you tried to RP and said you remember his face etc. and he was just upset that you did that even after a new life started for him.

Just make sure to not fail RP or be willing to change the RP a bit if theres reasons for it.

Don't be imature and tell people that they will get reported and everything will be alright.

Denied - 12/01/15

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