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Branko (Action: Ban Issued 19/01/2015)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Branko
Time & Date this happened: 16:45 aproxx (server time)
Description of what happened: I was driving to UNMC border in my pickup when a red pickup almost crashed into me and I lost control and crushed into wal, when I was repairing I noticed someone about 75 m away wit ha gun and then he started to shoot. I went to cover and returned fire and killed Branko, after 5 second Branko disconnected and after about 30 sec he connected again so that I would not be able to take his weapon.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes but no answer, but some of his freind (I guess but dont know name) said Branko has everything recorded. Branko himself never responded
Please post video evidence/screenshots here: Unfortunolately the chat was pretty spammy at the time, so I never got the screenshot, but my gang mates can be witnesses and can say that he dc and connected.
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
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