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Bounty Hunter


Active member
Hey so me and my friend don't really enjoy playing as rebels so we decided to give bounty hunter a shot and bought the lisence.

So far my experience hasn't been too great, personally I feel like the cops try to arrest you more than the person you bring in lol. But anyways I just want to know everything I can and cannot do as a bounty hunter and how I go on about doing it correctly.

For example there is a clothing store at the bounty hunter lisence shop and some tell me it's an option and then some people tell me it's required to wear. I assumed it was an option because irl the point of a bounty hunter is to blend in with other civilians so you can aproach identify and arrest suspects. 

Also how do I aproach someone if I know they are on the wanted list. Tell me if I'm doing it wrong cause this is a step by step of everything I do.(I'm sorry if I'm doing it wrong I'm trying to get it figured out)

also what do I do if they lie about their name? I've just been saying "I have a list of everyone on the island and that name doesn't match to anyone" personally I think lying about your name should be failrp.

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As a bounty hunter on duty you need to wear the bounty hunter clothing. And as you mentioned giving false name thats not fail RP. But it is metagaming from you if you say "No,your name is OhNoGod" even tho he told you that his name is IamAtheist.

As Nick said, when you are on duty you must wear the uniform (only then wilp your taser smg work). In my opinion making lying about your name fail rp is a stupid idea. You can always get a hobo to ask these guy about their names and when he tells you what their name is you can just move in.

As Nick said, when you are on duty you must wear the uniform (only then wilp your taser smg work). In my opinion making lying about your name fail rp is a stupid idea. You can always get a hobo to ask these guy about their names and when he tells you what their name is you can just move in.
good point, never though of that. Thanks :)
