For your points:
1) Yes, it is very hard to differentiate between the zones sometimes
2) This new cap should be in addition to the town fight. This is because IMO the town fight was quite enjoyable, and there isn't a fight like it which will exist otherwise. 5 cap points is also better than 4 IMO for this.
3) Not overly bothered
My Points:
- Allow instant bleedout in all other places inside the redzone, not just the caps
- Limit the police to only allowing NCA and AR into the zones. This will make the fight more balanced rather than us being completely overwelmed. If people start sharking, there should be enough MPU/Water Whitelisted people within these factions to be able to respond to this with the gear necessary.
- Provide Poseidon with a better spawn. We were always further away and the only zone we are able to beat the Police too is the Rodopoli town.
- Reduce the NLR Radius - currently it is 1000m, which sometimes means you are unable to fight any of the caps when you are on NLR, reducing it to 750m will mean you still cannot interact with the cap you have NLR from, whilst still being able to fight the other zones.
Limiting the headcount is the way forward I think - e.g 20/20 per side (just so Poseidon and Police still have space for other activities)
If this was an event every day of the week/every restart, I would agree with limiting the headcount so that it is a balanced fight, however considering it is a weekly event, limiting the number of players down to numbers isnt a good idea. It will annoy people who do not get picked, and due to not much happening elsewhere, they would probably just play on other servers where they can partake in the event. I think limiting it to all of Posiedon, and the 2 combat orientated Police Groups is the best way forward (AR & NCA). This will reduce the numbers and make the event more balanced. (In order for this to be effective in balancing the numbers it may be necesary for ride alongs to be banned for this, else there could probably be another 4 or 5 police participating if they were to start multiple patrols for NCA/AR and then each take a ridealong)