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Border Wars - Altis Life


Computer Janitor
Dev Team
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Firefighter

Border Wars

As suggested by @Maxim and with the communities input, I am pleased to announce that on Friday 8th January at 20:00 the first Border Wars fight will happen. This is a fully automated event, and the outcomes will decide the map layout for the following week.

What happens?

After the 8PM restart, the server enters the Border Wars mode, and the regular capture zones are disabled. A new set of capture zones will be activated, based on the outcome of the last Border Wars event (the initial one will be a 'neutral' state, which will be the borders as they currently are now). The Police and Poseidon will fight to control these zones, and will gain points while they have the zones under control. Each set of capture zones have a high tier point (5 points), a medium tier point (3 points) and two lower tier points (2 points). The higher tier points will be harder to hold, either since they are exposed, or since they are large military compounds with a lot of areas to hide. At the next restart, the faction with the most points will be deemed the winner, and the map will be reconfigured, with the Poseidon border either creeping forward to encompass Athira in the event of a Poseidon win, or receding in the event of a Police win.

What about rebels?

Rebels can capture the zones and earn money and points as usual - zones captured by rebels will deny both Poseidon or Police these points. 

What else changes?

If the border is to Poseidon's advantage, they gain 10% more from drug payouts, conversely, if it is in the Police's favour, Poseidon gains 10% less from payouts. In addition, sites on the map like the Athira PD will change to be 'trashed' by Poseidon in the event of a Poseidon favoured border. 


Border War during a Poseidon Advantage Border​

I hope you enjoy the changes - the changes made behind the scenes to accommodate this will allow us to implement a few other suggestions easily too (such as gang fights for control over bases).

dont be talking about tiers rn xd but looks good and will bring more to rebel life

Ok we have to pay for our gear for 4 hours, and cops have free gear for 4 hours?

I'm definitly not going to these wars.

Edit for more clearance for AR Facepalmers:

Calculating it as it is & avaraged on a lifetime of 10 minutes:
240 minutes of warzone divided by 10 minutes = 24 respawns
24x300k = 7.2m wasted in deaths.

(This is avarage of 10 minutes while the reality is probably where you die every 5 minutes.)
I will never make that money back in a week as Poseidon & thus i hope you make the prices that those zones pay out pretty good cause at that rate my bank is empty within a couple weeks.
Besides the fact that we will get out numbered as we are limited to our slots (25 vs 40)

I am happy about a new feature but it will need some serious tweaking after the first.

I'd rather have a reward where our gear and/or rebel gear at AW and rebel outpost gets cheaper by a #% because like we have been saying the drug prices are so bad right now that none does them.

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i say give it a go amazing work things can be tweaked at later dates 

Ok we have to pay for our gear for 4 hours, and cops have free gear for 4 hours?

I'm definitly not going to these wars.
dont go then, dont get the money, dont get the extra 10% on drugs sales. stop being a silly willy and moaning at everything

I cant wait to get that 10% more on something that people ar not doing
Or, rather than complaining, you could be grateful that hours of development time have gone into bringing you the feature and we can look to make adjustments where needed down the line?

What does the Police Win border look like?

I em still waiting for devs to add 100 rounders to lobos tir 1 so PDF ca buy them 
That has been requested through appropriate channels, stop nagging about it. It will come when needed its not a necesity its a QoL.
