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Bob banned me for being better than him...

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Well-known member
Ingame name is: Joffrey Lannister

Okay. So what happened is.

I went to the drug dealer. Started selling my drugs. Random guy comes by. Knocks me out and steals my money (NO roleplay involved). I then see bob ( a admin, or just got the power to ban) And his gang, so i choose to leave the area with my big ass truck. They start shooting at it- and me. Kills me. (again no roleplay). Afterwards i manage to get my truck back and store it in the garage where bob then says. Nice combat log and bans me.

* Bob was very specific when he said: i have recorded this. Go get the records from him. Im sure he wount mind :)

Bob is not a admin, nor has the power to ban.

Another thing i forgot to mention (bob can verify the story).

We once camped a drug procces location. We killed a guy who got out of his truck. Bob spawns. Asks us what we are doing and why we killed him where we respond that we had the rights to do it. he became all bitchy and said he was not here when the incident happened but we are not allowed to do things like  that bla bla bla... The guy we killed was a part of Bob's Crew. 

How long was it until you returned to the truck?

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You were driving your HEMTT around Kavala, you first stopped at the old drug dealer location, you then drove past the Police HQ and finally towards the new drug dealer location. You were engaged in role play by members of the UNMC (Bob), The Increment and PLF in which you attempted to drive your HEMTT into the sea to avoid being robbed, when you were killed by PLF Wolf.

Shortly after, you returned to the scene, got into your HEMTT and drove over UNMC Bob in a VDM attack and then combat stored your HEMTT to prevent the cocaine being stolen.

Despite your vain attempt to paint Bob as a bad admin or a rule breaker, I banned you for breaking 4 server rules within space of 2 minutes. You have absolutely no one else to blame but yourself.

Rules broken;

  • Breaking new life rule.
  • VDM.
  • Combat storing.
  • Storing cocaine into a vehicle and then storing the vehicle itself to prevent the drugs being obtainable.
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You were driving your HEMTT around Kavala, you first stopped at the old drug dealer location, you then drove past the Police HQ and finally towards the new drug dealer location. You were engaged in role play by members of the UNMC (Bob), The Increment and PLF in which you attempted to drive your HEMTT into the sea to avoid being robbed, when you were killed by PLF Wolf.

Shortly after, you returned to the scene, got into your HEMTT and drove over UNMC Bob in a VDM attack and then combat stored your HEMTT to prevent the cocaine being stolen.

Despite your vain attempt to paint Bob as a bad admin or a rule breaker, I banned you for breaking 4 server rules within space of 2 minutes. You have absolutely no one else to blame but yourself.

Rules broken;

  • Breaking new life rule.
  • VDM.
  • Combat storing.
  • Storing cocaine into a vehicle and then storing the vehicle itself to prevent the drugs being obtainable.
Not trying to break the rules by intention. Was trying to prevent bob from getting anything out of his own breaking-rules-crew.

Bob has been playing so long on this server that he does not even bother to give ANY effort in roleplaying- Im not the one to judge, but after you have been on the server for a while, ''Get out of the truck'' - Shot him'' Is just not seen as roleplay (My opinion) anymore. For newplayers its totally okay. But keep doing the same shit over and over again is just not what you would expect of a rpg community. 

Bob's action is more a Meta action than it is RPG

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I suggest you think about your unban for breaking the rules rather than someone else. I am about to issue some Karma myself in a second. Please post something that makes me change my mind and show why you should be unbanned.

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How long was it until you returned to the truck?
I suggest you think about your unban for breaking the rules rather than someone else. I am about to issue some Karma myself in a second. Please post something that makes me change my mind and show why you should be unbanned.
Protocol of the last two days.

 Day.1 Am trying to get enough money for a house. Need about 300k. I decide to go cocain hunting. On my way i meet a destroyed car with a player. I leave my veicle to ask him whats up and if he needed a ride. He responded my saying that he would love to get a ride to somewhere but that he was new on the server. I was totally okay by helping him since another guy had done the same to me on my first day on the server.  

So we go to the cocian field. He fixes his controls and tries to get everything working (with my assistance) while i pick up the flowers. After we are done i let him drive my truck since he want to learn how to do this drug-driving-selling buisness. When we finally arive after a long tour i start proccesing ALONE. Since the new guy only has his starting capital => He can not afford to buy a licens. When i am ALMOST done. Like literally 30 unproccesed cocain left two officers shows up... VERY VERY unlucky. They tazze me and starts interigating me and my veicle.

This is where i explain that i manufacture the best cement in altis PERIOD. Long story short. They go along with the story and sends my veicle back to my garage with the cocian. (I did sing for them, so that was the least thing they could do). When i arive one of the officers decides to send me to prison because i dont know why. But he did. So i logged off...

Day 2.

I spawn in Athira where i want to earn the money i still need for the house. I go to the garage where i find my big-ass-truck filled with cocain. need to procces some of it therefore i started my route to the old factory also known as cocain prossesing. On my way there, and also on my way to kavala, i notice two freshspawns/ new players on the server, talking about how to earn money and how to do drugs etc. I respond by saying something like: I can hook you up in the buisness. Going to kavala, meet you there in 20 min. 

I wanted to procces my cocain before taking the two new players under my wings. This is where i meet the first player from bobs gang. He greets me by knocking me out and stealing about 72k. I realize this is a dangerus place so i decide to get my truck the hell out of there as i see more spec'ed players approach. I go into my truck, where they then start shooting at it. I know i am doomed and therefore quickly tries to destroy my truck by driving it into the water (kamikazii). I fail and get shoot on my way out there.

I respawn ( a little sad/mad to see that bob and his crew got my truck without even doing anything particualy to earn it. Also i feelt like they broke the RP rule and instead went for some meta-gaming so i decide to go back and get my truck (First rule broken, New life rule). I find the truck near the drug dealer and steals it. here i ram into bob (What kris told me, which i am sure is correct, but NOT my intention)- I rammed into him because of the flaw of a big truck. You can only see half of the things that are going on. (Second rule broken, VDM).

Having my gotten my truck back i obviusly tries to store it in the garage (I have read the server rules, where i have NOT seen anything abut: <14:07:47> "Kris": I banned you for breaking New Life Rule, VDM'ing Bob and combat storing your own vehicle.

The 3rd rule i have broken was because my lack of wisdom.


I am truly sorry for breaking the server rules, but everything i did, i did to prevent bob's kind of people from taking advantage of this game (meta gaming)- I did not do it to harm anyone else but them whom harm others.

I do understand the fact that i broke the server rules, but it would be a lie to say that i regreat doing what i did becuase of its (hopefully) harming effect on bob.

I will not be breaking any of the rules again, it was just the circumstanses that made me do it. I am sorry for the harm this incident has caused

Day 2.

I spawn in Athira where i want to earn the money i still need for the house. I go to the garage where i find my big-ass-truck filled with cocain. need to procces some of it therefore i started my route to the old factory also known as cocain prossesing. On my way there, and also on my way to kavala, i notice two freshspawns/ new players on the server, talking about how to earn money and how to do drugs etc. I respond by saying something like: I can hook you up in the buisness. Going to kavala, meet you there in 20 min. 
Dude... You don't wanna be storing vehicles full of gear: 


Some call that karma others call that breaking NLR  ;)
Breaking a rule to prevent Bob from getting away with breaking another.

You sir, have not even read the as i like to call it, The masterpiece, that i wrote

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This is where i meet the first player from bobs gang. He greets me by knocking me out and stealing about 72k.
Dude, do you even know what gang Bob is in? He is in the UNMC, the Whitelisted Rebels. Do you really think he would have made it in a elite group, handpicked by server admins out of over 100 applications, if he was such a big rulebreaker as you state? Also, UNMC do not rob civilians, so ''meeting the first player from bobs gang, greets me by knocking me out and stealing about 72k'' would be.. A lie.

Dude, do you even know what gang Bob is in? He is in the UNMC, the Whitelisted Rebels. Do you really think he would have made it in a elite group([SIZE=14.4444446563721px]✘)[/SIZE], handpicked by server admins out of over 100 applications, if he was such a big rulebreaker as you state? Also, UNMC do not rob civilians([SIZE=14.4444446563721px]✘)[/SIZE], so ''meeting the first player from bobs gang, greets me by knocking me out and stealing about 72k'' would be.. A lie [SIZE=12.222222328186px]([/SIZE][SIZE=14.4444446563721px]✘)[/SIZE].
Im sorry but i laughed.... please forgive me.

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Dude, do you even know what gang Bob is in? He is in the UNMC, the Whitelisted Rebels. Do you really think he would have made it in a elite group, handpicked by server admins out of over 100 applications, if he was such a big rulebreaker as you state? Also, UNMC do not rob civilians, so ''meeting the first player from bobs gang, greets me by knocking me out and stealing about 72k'' would be.. A lie.
Fun fact. Bob and some from his gang where VERY specific about saying ''I have this recorded''

I hereby summon BOB and his GANG's recordings

Also. The fact that he was handpicked does not justify his actions neither does it deny that he broke (as i also mentioned) two rules. METAGAMING. and lack of ROLEPLAY.

Roleplaying is not to do the same thing again and again. That is called metagaming. And do you know why ?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Fuging Einstein. 
Which is excatly what bob has been doing. Grinding the drug dealer. Doing the same thing OVER and OVER, again and again. Just the difference here was that I, Joffrey lannister did not accept his decision.
Maybe bob has been a great player once, maybe he has. But as you said. He was handpicked. I would expect something New from such a fine applicat other than just the ordinary first-day-at-altis bullshit. ''Get out of the veicle'', ''we will shot you''.
Be Original. Be a lannister  -Joffrey lannister
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