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blacklist removement


My blacklist ban has run out and now i need to get it off of the list, but i dont know where to do it. Can somone help me?

Good Afternoon!

I'm not one of the CMOs but I am a Consultant which is also part of NHS staff.

I looked up your blacklist and you are able to appeal. You can do this this by messaging a CMO on teamspeak on the day of Sunday 29th May. You will be invited to the NHS Staff meeting on Sunday evening at 6:30PM where you will speak for a short while about why you were blacklisted and why we should unblacklist you. It will then go to a staff vote.

If you have any questions before then, jump on teamspeak and pop a CST/CMO a message.

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Good Afternoon!

I'm not one of the CMOs but I am a Consultant which is also part of NHS staff.

I looked up your blacklist and you are able to appeal. You can do this this by messaging a CMO on teamspeak on the day of Sunday 29th May. You will be invited to the NHS Staff meeting on Sunday evening at 6:30PM where you will speak for a short while about why you were blacklisted and why we should unblacklist you. It will then go to a staff vote.

If you have any questions before then, jump no teamspeak and pop a CST/CMO a message.
@Ekkethis is everything you need to know, i'll send you some more information via PM shortly.
