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Ben - Unban Appeal (Unbanned 08/06/15)

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Your In-game name: Ben

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198087017979

Your GUID: 316897ed1a05e950441f1d6524a52ab0

Date & Time you was banned: Unsure, was playing on 02/06/2015. Attempted to join server on the afternoon of 03/06/2015 and ban message was there.

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: 1D

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I accidentally clicked push to talk whilst in a lobby but I didn't say anything. There were some people shouting at the time and I believe I have been wrongfully banned. From this I have learnt that speaking in the lobby is forbidden.

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You are greeted with a splash screen that links you to the rules... why didn't you go on there and have a read before continuing ?

Its in the rules so i disagree you have been wrongly banned.


I did read the rules, I only said that I thought I was wrongfully banned due to the fact I didn't say what was on the ban or anything at all for that matter. I however now understand that it is vital not to talk in the lobby and hope to be able to play again soon.

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I was there when @Ciaran banned him.

He was screaming "Allahu Akbar" in the lobby after a server restart. 

The message he gets when attempting to connect specifically states this. 

Sorry for posting, just thought I should mention it since I witnessed it happen, AND was also telling him to stop doing it, he ignored me.

P.s. Thought I should add, since fair is fair, that he wasn't the only one screaming in side chat at the time (I have some of it on record... but too lazy to post it).  He was just the only one that got nabbed.

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Are you sure it was me who actually spoke the said reference? Also why was I the only one banned? What are we going to do to solve this? Like I said, I now understand that it is vital not to talk in the lobby. Apologies on my part for the inconveniences caused.

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So you was shouting ala akbar in the lobby.... Do you understand we are an adult community ?


Yes, I understand. I have re-read the rules and you won't hear of me in a bad manner again. 

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I Have a feeling this one will come back to bite me in the bum but I have unbanned you for a final chance.

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