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Before I get banned, here's my side of the story (Unbanned)

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Rijeka, Croatia
Well, since some people clearly don't understand warning shots, and that shooting zones can be quite unhealthy for your life, here's my version of the story.

Your In-game name: Roman Khruschov

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198047496756

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 


Date & Time you was banned: I am not banned yet, but am about to be, so I don't want to get banned because someone is a little butthurt over me killing him.

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Apparently I broke RDM.

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: No final chance yet, this guy thinks I RDM'd him after I fired off 2 warning shots, so he pulls out a gun and decides to all-out derp and rush in with it whilst we were picklocking a truck.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here: 

I got a video here disproving the RDM, this guy attempts to kill my friend while he's picklocking a truck, I fire off warning shots even before he comes over there in hopes to chase him off, or stall him, but he stops, pulls out a gun and I, of course, take action and shoot him, bare in mind there has been a shootout barely 2 minutes before he comes (or more I'm not tracking time that good, but he came shortly after the shootout). Here is the link of the video and I hope people don't cry RDM so much next time without getting their facts straight: 

On another note, this is the video of my friend, I sadly have a too shitty net so I cannot upload anything to YouTube, I used to do reports when I had a regular router internet but I now have a Mobile USB internet, which sucks. I know this vid doesn't show much but it goes to my defense that he rushed in with a gun to a robbery scene.

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I got 3 questions:

1.st: How could you have known at this point that the 2 of them are friends without metagaming?

2.nd: Can you give me the exact name of the person killing the first hostage? I can't see it the name because it's blurry in the Video.

3.rd: So the guy running around naked and being a complete twat is not you? You are the one on TS that is actually talking nicely?

Didn't know they were friends I fired 2 warning shots but he kept coming, after which he pulls out a gun so I neutralize him. The person killing the hostage is my friend Chamo, the video is not mine I was the one doing the shooting, Chamo is the twat who doesn't speak good english.

And the victim wasn't the hostage, hostage got killed by RP standards, the other guy claiming RDM is the victim here, in the video you can hear me yell "He's pulling out a gun!" or something similar to that.

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