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BeaTz + OleKristian = VDM, Break NLR + Metagaming (Locked, everything said, awaiting admin decision)

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Professional Stalker
United Kingdom
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): BeaTz + OleKristian
Time & Date this happened: 3/4/2015 - Around 1:30-2am
Which Server did this happen on: Server 2
Description of what happened: Chasing two HEMTT trucks from the cocaine processing after telling them to stop etc, eventually we bust some tires and BeaTz jumps out of the car, firing at Maccas, my private takes him out and he immediately logs out (shown in the first image) The other HEMTT with OleKristian unfortunately blows up after hitting something in his escape.
While we are processing their cocaine they show up again to get revenge, in an Orca and just immediately start firing upon us. We take them out, and begin to try and move the cocaine towards the drug dealer... Not 5 minutes later, Pvt. Maccas is telling me there is a chopper chasing him, so we head to intercept.. Then OleKristian posts in side chat "We just want to talk about what happened", immediately knowing it's them I get names on the chopper for a screenshot. After this, they rammed their helicopter into ours and blew themselves up. 
What Rule Was Broken ?: NLR, BDM, Metagaming.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, they didn't seem to understand what they had done wrong.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)



(I used the tilde key here to get names for a report).
Someone has brought this video (below) to my attention in which BeaTz is seen CLEARLY knocking out and executing somebody without any forms of RP.

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I was there and can confirm all this is true. While processing I was afk on the side of our chopper when I got back I was 40% and being shot at. I asked what was going on but they were shooting us from hills just after they had died with no RP. Also wash didn't mention but while we were at low altitude chasing them down Olekristian was quite clearly trying to ram us with his truck. Unfortunately don't have video of this. But went from attempted vdm to nlr to rdm to another nlr to vdm. (All the meta gaming in side on top of this)

Apart from that they never took us out once even when they rammed their chopper into ours they plummeted to their own death which I wish I had recorded as it was amusing.

Anyway hope this info helps the case.

Ok time to hear my part of the story?
First the part that I flew the helicopter into them was an accident.
Ok so me and ole is by cocaine processing to make money so we hear a hellikopter and we jump into our trucks and drive as fast as we can but. as we drive away, they start shooting at us without saying anything! so we got killed. Yes I logged out but Arma 3 crashed (it happens sometimes. I have a bad computer) so I log back quickly and when I come in we wait for about 15 min and go back and we meet them there again and starts to shoot because it did not seem like they cared about RP or something like that after they shot at us when we tried to get away so I would say that this is bullshit in that they claim that they did "everything right according to rules" which they did not.
I don't know where you get this idea of no RP from because we shouted at you multiple times as you were driving the trucks straight toward us.

Not only this, but as I was flying low your buddy in the uncovered tempest repeatedly tried to drive into the back of the helicopter.

Will leave it to the admins.

Thank you.

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Your excuses are terrible mate.. Give me some video footage of you not being able to hear us. Give us your POV cos i was literally shouting down the mic also you say "you start shooting at us without talking".. Think twice before you shoot first while we are trying to land. If you engage at me im going to give it straight back as my life is in danger. About the truck thing one of yous got out.. I said "Get out and get on the floor with your gun away, you got out with your gun and you put your back to me so okay i havnt got a problem with that i say again "put your gun on the floor!" you say "Wait" and turn around and take a shot, then you get rekt then disconnect. and you disconnect as soon as your killed.. ahaha aye right mate nice one.

the amount of times you came back and broke the NLR there is no excuses for all this, there your actions read the rules.


You said nothing, you just started shooting at Beatz . And you guys shoot my truck too it exploded.

You said nothing, you just started shooting at Beatz . And you guys shoot my truck too it exploded.

One of u guys came back after 10 min and shoot me and Beatz. And that where NRL

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You said nothing, you just started shooting at Beatz . And you guys shoot my truck too it exploded.
We shot the TIRES on your truck, you must have hit something while trying to drive away. Never had the intention to blow up your truck. Maybe you should have valued your life and stopped, there was three of us after all. 

As for the comment above, I never actually died.. We killed you multiple times, but the only one of us who ever died was L/Cpl. Crankie

Medics can vouch for this, they arrived on scene AFTER the shoot out to revive Crankie.

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He didnt die! stop making stupid excuses, he went and got a chopper to get out with as soon as we was finished with yous.

On my way back in the truck when yous came back in a helicopter within 5mins, what was wash and crankie in? a helicopter the one that he went back for and then you purposely rammed it.

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Okay listen to me now, I'll just say what I know. When I jumped in the truck and started to drive, you may be "screaming" in your microphone but I did not hear it. I think most of this is a big misunderstanding and think it is time that someone grows a pair and say sorry to go on with life. If this leads to ban then just do it but I will not discuss this more it gets too silly. It is after all just a game.

Okay listen to me now, I'll just say what I know. When I jumped in the truck and started to drive, you may be "screaming" in your microphone but I did not hear it. I think most of this is a big misunderstanding and think it is time that someone grows a pair and say sorry to go on with life. If this leads to ban then just do it but I will not discuss this more it gets too silly. It is after all just a game.
I would have been more than happy to discuss this, if;

1) Your friend had not tried to repeatedly ram me with his truck when I was flying a helicopter. 

2) You did not come back after your death and immediately opened fire on us, this is classed as seeking revenge which is a breach of NLR. 

3) Tried to seek me out on TeamSpeak.

4) You did not came back a SECOND time, and tried to ram us out of the sky. 

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1. I do not know anything about because I was dead but I do not see why there is a problem if you think about RP. Imagine this in reality then, if you get robbed and you're sitting in a truck would you just stopped and look at things went straight to hell or tried to defend yourself? so I would say that it is RP.

2. Can I admit my mistake IF! it is true that you spoke to us first but as I said I didn't hear it so in my head it seemed as if you were assholes who just shot because you were full of shit therefore I come back. yes if it is as you say so, I made a mistake.

(But remember also that there had been 15 min before I started to fly back so I thought that you were far away from the place considering that there were only 11 to 13 unprocessed cocaine left. so why you spent so long time there I do not know.)

3. I did not? I was in teamspeak yes but not for you?

4. As I said it was an accident. 


1. I do not know anything about because I was dead but I do not see why there is a problem if you think about RP. Imagine this in reality then, if you get robbed and you're sitting in a truck would you just stopped and look at things went straight to hell or tried to defend yourself? so I would say that it is RP.

2. Can I admit my mistake IF! it is true that you spoke to us first but as I said I didn't hear it so in my head it seemed as if you were assholes who just shot because you were full of shit therefore I come back. yes if it is as you say so, I made a mistake.

(But remember also that there had been 15 min before I started to fly back so I thought that you were far away from the place considering that there were only 11 to 13 unprocessed cocaine left. so why you spent so long time there I do not know.)

3. I did not? I was in teamspeak yes but not for you?

4. As I said it was an accident. 

I am always in teamspeak, you can find me in the [Fear] Channels, that is the gang I am in.

You were not dead when your friend was trying to ram us, and no you can not RP that, it's still attempted VDM whichever way you look at it.

We took so long because we had to run and get lockpicks and fuel cans to get into your vehicle, whether or not it was 15 minutes is not the case here, you came back to seek revenge which is against the rules. 

On top of this, when you died as shown in the first screenshot, you logged out which is exploiting to save your gear after dying.

5C) You are not allowed to seek revenge when you die!

5A) A new life starts, when

Your character has been killed by a cop

Your character has died in a RP situation.

Your character has been involved in an accident

2E) Logging/Combat logging at any point where you are in RP is exploiting. Some examples of this: during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting medic, logging to save gear, logging while ziptied (Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal*)

*Appeals are allowed if you have made the effort to go on teamspeak and speak to the person/persons you were with to advise of a valid reason, or if you have signed back into the game and contacted them in game and made the full effort to relink up with them to continue roleplay, The person/persons should vouch for you in the appeal.

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It does not seem like you understand.
I came back because it seemed like you just did as you want to without following rules so therefore we came back. But not on purpose to meet you.
The part with Ole who tried to run the truck into you, I know nothing about I did not see it.
The fact that you spent a long time is okay, now I know why.
It does not seem like you understand.
I came back because it seemed like you just did as you want to without following rules so therefore we came back. But not on purpose to meet you.
The part with Ole who tried to run the truck into you, I know nothing about I did not see it.
The fact that you spent a long time is okay, now I know why.

Okay, so even if I did drop the NLR accusations, how would you explain the combat logging after you died?

Again as I said Arma 3 crashed. if I did "combat logging" would not it be natural to stay longer out of the game than 1 min.

Again as I said Arma 3 crashed. if I did "combat logging" would not it be natural to stay longer out of the game than 1 min.
When someone crashes, or their internet drops out Arma 3 will clearly state either "Steam Ticket Check: Null" or "Player is Losing Connection" and not just "Disconnected" anyone here can vouch for me when I say that. So unless you can provide compelling evidence that your game really did crash, that just wont cut it.

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1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

You are not being reported and are not the person reporting. If your side of the story is relevant, leave it to the person being reported. Consider this a verbal warning.

Since your posts do contain a point of view they will not be hidden now, but in future make sure to not post unless it is you being reported.

Kind regards,

Khandamir, ALUK Forum moderator

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