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Baz over and out.


Well-known member
3 long years on the server and a few people will know that this has been on my mind forever but I never actually followed through with deleting my char, I tried one time to leave but was back after 6 months. Killing and deleting Baz today has taken a lot out of me and took me a lot to follow through with. Thank you to Gibbo for being the one to put the bullet through my skull because I couldn't do it. As far as my story goes, everything after 229 felt like a mess, the reputation for 229 OOC may not be the best for obvious reasons and I won't get into that but in the game itself we left our mark in positive and negatives, I joined them before we got whitelisted and spent roughly 16 months there and for me it really felt like home. Hustlers,Grove,Teccas was fun but wasn't where Baz or his story made sense, more recently my own gang O.F.B or G depends really ahaha, it felt closer to the enjoyment I had 3 years ago but still nothing compares. Baz should of died with 229 working my way from a hangabout in a unwhitelisted gang to getting WL and becoming 3rd in command was massive and the biggest thing I did on the server. The time just feels right now. Thank you to all the groups that ive been apart of and ones ive roleplayed with heavily (pretty sure ive fought every gang on the server more than once so we've all ran into eachother XD) I loved it here and don't regret a minute of it and defo had my favourite moments Lost X 229, Bay City Ballas and just winding people up with my everyday antics really. Stuart as in staff lead thank you for everything because without you battering us in 229 and giving us ear fulls every other week, id of been char locked or permed more times than id like to admit so thank you for always keeping us in line even if we did hate it and after all I was one of ur first ever arrests. Could sit here for hours and go through so many different people to thank but I'll leave it at this I think - Baz






Didn't know you for long. However, as my latest gang lead I can say you've been my favourite.
OFB/OCG is where I've felt the most comfortable on RPUK and you're the one who brought me that comfort. Thank you for everything you've done Baz.
It's sad to see you go, but I'm happy to see you move forward. Enjoy your time elsewhere Baz.

Much love, Tyrone.
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Wish you never followed through with this but its for the better can't thank you enough for the chance to be in 229 and stuff you taught me through out had some of the best memories on the server together.

Baz will never be forgotten.
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Enjoyed warring you in Grove and you helping me get my car out from 229 turf when i was 2 month into the server 🤣, stay safe my boy.
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You were one of the first people in 229 who made me and Ravi feel welcomed in when we joined as hangabouts roughly 2 years ago now despite being banned at the time and we've shared a good relationship inn and out of the server ever since. You have done a lot for a lot of people and we always wanted to see you be a leader, preferably within 229 but I think you had started something good with OCG / OFB. I know there had been multiple instances when you wanted to leave and I guess you felt like the time is now, but your mark will remain on the server and the times you shared with people 💔
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Only met you when I went to grove . You were the only one that fully backed me in anything I had to say unfortunate we couldn’t be in ofb/g together for longer but wanted to say I appreciate everything you did for me OOC and in city 🥶
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Was always fun bumping into you.
Hope you find the same joy that you had originally doing whatever you choose to do next.
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Finally, I get Rajeev to myself 🎉

Fr though, did not see this coming. All the best for wherever you go next (y)
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@Baz you can finally admit how much I had you on ropes during 229 and Azteca beef now, but fr baz mate as Erik Ten Haag said 'eras come to an end' n hes a genius. I aint finna write a soppy ass message as you can still message me whenever. However rip Baz big name gone but change can be good
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Sad day for the server.
Had nothing but great interactions with you from be it just us bantering or being in opposing gangs during a beef.

Funniest was pulling up to my flat and you guys rocking up to see who it was, then being kneecapped by you and crawling away.

Take care Baz!
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Will miss hearing you from across the room! "Your Shouting Baaz" " I KNOW"

Have fun with your next adventure
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