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Base Spawn --- Fast Travel ---- Events --- Code brakers


First of all i must say that i like to play on aluk exile servers but we need some important thing that most of high populated servers have.Like Base spawn> im really sick of running after i die all the time and it makes makes basses more important cuz for now bases are just for hording vehicles also most of high populated have that option.

Okay Fast travel something players should decied and also base spawn.

And we should have a item that can break code locks but im not talking about insta code brakers like in some server they have item which can show the finger prints on code locks.So ppl try to figure out what the code is.

and yeah we need event to make the game more fun.

Your sincerely


ur absolutely right mate. i have played some other server(some of them are UK servers btw) which have some options for players like bike deploy, travel, base spawn, etc. And these options make the game much greater. couldnt agree more.

First of all i must say that i like to play on aluk exile servers but we need some important thing that most of high populated servers have.Like Base spawn> im really sick of running after i die all the time and it makes makes basses more important cuz for now bases are just for hording vehicles also most of high populated have that option.

Okay Fast travel something players should decied and also base spawn.

And we should have a item that can break code locks but im not talking about insta code brakers like in some server they have item which can show the finger prints on code locks.So ppl try to figure out what the code is.

and yeah we need event to make the game more fun.

Your sincerely

I agree that having Base Spawn would be great - not fast travel though, that kind of takes away from the fun of exile of running around scavenging.

There is an item that shows the finger prints - Thermal Scanner. You find them every now and then.

Base Spawn +1

Fast Travel -1 If you want to travel faster - use a vehicle?

Is there a way to 'own' to take ownership of vehicles you find, so they're not just for sale? Something like that would be nice.

I agree that having Base Spawn would be great - not fast travel though, that kind of takes away from the fun of exile of running around scavenging.

There is an item that shows the finger prints - Thermal Scanner. You find them every now and then.

Base Spawn +1

Fast Travel -1 If you want to travel faster - use a vehicle?

Is there a way to 'own' to take ownership of vehicles you find, so they're not just for sale? Something like that would be nice.
i havent seen that Thermal Scanner thing so its my mistake then

and you are  absolutely right mate . We should be able to own vehicles

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and  scavenging  what ? we all live like kings  to be honest to make money is insanly easy and most of ppl dont go for missions anymore they are just lifting car at all and ambushing ppl when they on mission at all.We need something that makes game more fun like thermal vision to spot ppl and some more armed car or op guns that we can find only from special missons like Admin Island or sulms base or new missons Etc.


I agree that having base spawns and some code lock breakers would be good additions to Exile. 

and  scavenging  what ? we all live like kings  to be honest to make money is insanly easy and most of ppl dont go for missions anymore they are just lifting car at all and ambushing ppl when they on mission at all.We need something that makes game more fun like thermal vision to spot ppl and some more armed car or op guns that we can find only from special missons like Admin Island or sulms base or new missons Etc.

Stuff, anything you find! It's maybe a bit easy at the moment due to the lower player count - but i dont think we should be making it any easier with fast travel. At least at the moment there's some risk of running into other players at things like missions which attract those who have established themselves

My mate and I who play are constantly scavenging to find a vehicle, fill it with stuff at the towns and then drive back, no heli's or anything. Still got all the fun of missions to do, though those seem to be somewhat dominated by yourselves and ECM.

I'd agree that an Armed version of the ifrit/hunter/strider would be nice at a much higher cost i.e. 23k for unarmed hunter, 100k for an armed one.

I believe thermal vision is disabled on the server because that makes it ridiculously easy to find people, at least with nightvision you still need to use your eyes somewhat!

This server is still in it's infancy, there are some others out there with some very interesting mods like bounties etc. that adds more incentive to hunt people down. But you have to remember the server is still early days here, if you want more challenge - you're gonna have to play on a server with more than 10 people, especially when 50% of those playing are in your gang.

Stuff, anything you find! It's maybe a bit easy at the moment due to the lower player count - but i dont think we should be making it any easier with fast travel. At least at the moment there's some risk of running into other players at things like missions which attract those who have established themselves

My mate and I who play are constantly scavenging to find a vehicle, fill it with stuff at the towns and then drive back, no heli's or anything. Still got all the fun of missions to do, though those seem to be somewhat dominated by yourselves and ECM.

I'd agree that an Armed version of the ifrit/hunter/strider would be nice at a much higher cost i.e. 23k for unarmed hunter, 100k for an armed one.

I believe thermal vision is disabled on the server because that makes it ridiculously easy to find people, at least with nightvision you still need to use your eyes somewhat!

This server is still in it's infancy, there are some others out there with some very interesting mods like bounties etc. that adds more incentive to hunt people down. But you have to remember the server is still early days here, if you want more challenge - you're gonna have to play on a server with more than 10 people, especially when 50% of those playing are in your gang.
i agree with you but only thing that i cant expect is excuses like server is in early stage etc.Reason why server half of my gang cuz we would like to show that there is ppl and they like to play in aluk cuz this server deserves ; you know what i mean right . I could play in different exlile server but i like the community that aluk has and i would like to see this exile server as good as the altis server and as advance.Im sure that you agree with me .And so far nothing is happening and im also sure that all admins and devolepers are busy with upgrading the altis server but this exile server also needs to be improved.

i agree with you but only thing that i cant expect is excuses like server is in early stage etc.Reason why server half of my gang cuz we would like to show that there is ppl and they like to play in aluk cuz this server deserves ; you know what i mean right . I could play in different exlile server but i like the community that aluk has and i would like to see this exile server as good as the altis server and as advance.Im sure that you agree with me .And so far nothing is happening and im also sure that all admins and devolepers are busy with upgrading the altis server but this exile server also needs to be improved.
Oh absolutely, but the server being in early stage isnt an excuse - it's just a fact. ALUK is predominately a RolePlay community, it's not the first place you think of for an Exile Community. I'm hoping there's new a better things coming for exile too as i actually really enjoy playing on this server, even if player count is low at the minute. It's a good way to get used to the game, rather than join one that's full all the time and you can't spend 10 minutes working out what to do in case you get shot!

Since the exile server is more of a side effort than the Altis Life server, i imagine most of the admin and development effort is on the new Framework for Altis Life. That's why there's no dedicated comp, or support, or even assigned staff. I know Neo was looking at re-adding a better roaming AI - A3XAI though i believe the creator of this removed the public distribution of his work, and more players i'm sure will eventually want try it. The ALUK servers are regularly packed to the rafters, and Exile is a fun and very interesting game-mode so hopefully people will want to try it out after seeing it in the server list.

All we can do is post our suggestions! Back to the original point - I think Base Spawn is a great idea, but Fast travel is not a good idea.

First of all i must say that i like to play on aluk exile servers but we need some important thing that most of high populated servers have.Like Base spawn> im really sick of running after i die all the time and it makes makes basses more important cuz for now bases are just for hording vehicles also most of high populated have that option.

Okay Fast travel something players should decied and also base spawn.

And we should have a item that can break code locks but im not talking about insta code brakers like in some server they have item which can show the finger prints on code locks.So ppl try to figure out what the code is.

and yeah we need event to make the game more fun.

Your sincerely


+1 to base spawns, making it an end-game thing though so that not every person has one

-1 to fast travel. While I'd love it and it'd stop my moaning it'd ruing the gameplay

There is an item that allows you to scan fingerprints on a lock, but only works within 15 minutes after the person has used it. (This also only shows the last 3 digits)

Scavenging needs to be promoted more! That's how I make my money (which is why I moan a lot).

