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Hi, sorry I was banned from the altis life UK servers for trolling pretty much, I would like to say I'm sorry. I'm missing out because my friends all play it. I would like to be part of the police if I get back in.

My name was just "Stephen" on the server. Again I can't apologise enough.


I was adamant this ban was going to be issued by me, but surprise, surprise! You manage to troll another admin just enough.

A server admin will review the unban request in due time.

Perhaps you missed what I said, a server admin will review this in due time. This means that you will not be unbanned instantly, but when they feel as though you have learnt your lesson.

Game aren't designed for children, they're designed for people. This particular mod of the game ArmA was made for a serious mature role playing community. Unfortunately people do not understand the concept of acting mature, a bit like how you VDM'd me last night, tried it again, had your quadbike deleted and then persistently decided to troll. So much so, you were banned.

yes but playing a "game" allows you the choice to what you want, you built a mock system to impose your "laws" ive said i was sorry and i wouldnt do it again. Its not my fault people like yourself get some kind of power kick from pretending to be something your not. I just want to play with my friends.

and a game like altis life really isn't brimming with activity's for the civilian to pursue is it, maybe whoever created the mod should work on creating some kind of job system that doesn't allow sad old men to live whatever fantasy they like by making peoples lives miserable in game. 

There is a reason the ban list is the largest co-forum on here , its becaise people like you derive pleasure from belittling the "civvies".

Now I would like to be unbanned from this game so i can see what else this mod has to offer as so far the only pleasure it gave me was the ability to troll. if you lot don't allow me to do that that then that is your choice but I wouldn't be recommending this Dictatorship of a mod any time soon.

Btw alot of people think it, I just say it.

Plenty of things to do in Altis... farm peaches and apples, go fishing, dive for hidden treasure, mine for minerals, sell drugs ect ect. Become a medic, police officer, rebel or bounty hunter. You can't demand your case to be seen just because you chose to be a troll and are now missing out. You knew what the ground rules were when you joined this server. If you don't want to be a part of this community then please leave. Plenty of other life servers around.

yes but playing a "game" allows you the choice to what you want, you built a mock system to impose your "laws" ive said i was sorry and i wouldnt do it again. Its not my fault people like yourself get some kind of power kick from pretending to be something your not. I just want to play with my friends.

and a game like altis life really isn't brimming with activity's for the civilian to pursue is it, maybe whoever created the mod should work on creating some kind of job system that doesn't allow sad old men to live whatever fantasy they like by making peoples lives miserable in game.

There is a reason the ban list is the largest co-forum on here , its becaise people like you derive pleasure from belittling the "civvies".

Now I would like to be unbanned from this game so i can see what else this mod has to offer as so far the only pleasure it gave me was the ability to troll. if you lot don't allow me to do that that then that is your choice but I wouldn't be recommending this Dictatorship of a mod any time soon.

Btw alot of people think it, I just say it.
Pretending to be something I'm not? You were banned for breaking rules, that's exactly what our role is. Ban those who break rules.

If this game hasn't got enough to offer you, find another game. There's plenty of things to do. It just do happens, VDM & trolling isn't one of them.

There are plenty of job systems, as Blonde has already said - become a bounty hunter. Join the police. Be a rebel, mine for iron, swim for sunken treasure. You, like plenty of others decided you want to ruin other people's fun by VDMing them and then took to the forums to moan and cry that this has happened.

How do I belittle civvies? You were trolling. That is not civilian like. the only belittling here is yourself. You're actually making yourself sound like an idiot.

You can't keep me banned because I have an oppinion, I said I was sorry for what I did.t
Right sonny, I'm telling you right now you won't be coming back at the rate you're going. For the record, Kris is server admin. He bans people for rule breaking and acting like bellends... Hence why you're here. Keep on insulting the guy and no admin will want you back. 

yes but playing a "game" allows you the choice to what you want, you built a mock system to impose your "laws" ive said i was sorry and i wouldnt do it again. Its not my fault people like yourself get some kind of power kick from pretending to be something your not. I just want to play with my friends.

and a game like altis life really isn't brimming with activity's for the civilian to pursue is it, maybe whoever created the mod should work on creating some kind of job system that doesn't allow sad old men to live whatever fantasy they like by making peoples lives miserable in game. 

There is a reason the ban list is the largest co-forum on here , its becaise people like you derive pleasure from belittling the "civvies".

Now I would like to be unbanned from this game so i can see what else this mod has to offer as so far the only pleasure it gave me was the ability to troll. if you lot don't allow me to do that that then that is your choice but I wouldn't be recommending this Dictatorship of a mod any time soon.

Btw alot of people think it, I just say it.
Voice of the people, aye? I don't even know where to start with what you've said here. Other than you clearly don't have respect for the game, the community or the people playing it. 

Stop blaming Admins and other people for your ban and look at your attitude. Sort yourself out mate or you'll not be welcome back. 

You can't keep me banned because I have an oppinion, I said I was sorry for what I did.t
Oh and for the record: Yes, the admin can keep you banned. Saying sorry means sweet FA if you don't mean it. I came in to clean this post up for the Admins but I'm going to leave all posts open and I suggest they read them - Forming their opinion based on your attitude. 

By the way, I'm normally one of the nicest blokes on the forum but your comments have pissed me right off. Well done amigo! That takes some doing!

RejectED > Reason(Showing the total wrong attitude and showing you would add zero worth to this community. Here we pride our self on being a RP server. And from whet ive seen and heard this is not the place for you. Also you would be wise not to be rude to admin who gives up his own time to make this whole community a better place for those who want to RP. ) > Date 16/11/14

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