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Banned Playing As A Civ (Unbanned 10/02/2015)

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Your In-game name: KingSir/PC Aviraj

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198084407213

Date & Time you was banned: 05/02/14 03:00

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Trolling to test the reaction of an officer

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: Play as a police officer on the server and was just trolling to get a reaction out of one police officer in particular (PC Martiel Mathers). It all started off when I did scrape the police car at about 2 km/h in the garage but the second time my screen was glitching out and that was completely accidental... I was hoping to get a reaction out of the police officer to see what his response would be because as a police officer I do have to put up with a lot of trolling as I play as PC very late at night sometimes. However I did forget one rule - that you cannot perform illegal actions as a police officer - in this case was swearing at the officer. I believe my RP skills as an officer (completely different to a civillian) are well up to standard and have assisted many CSO'S and PCSO'S in gaining valuable experience as well as working with many other officers and senior ranking officers, and taking part in many operations beforehand. I also do my best to be fair as a PC to civillians. Once again I'm truly sorry as an officer and a civilian to PC Martiel for being a troll that day as literally all I wanted to do was to test his reaction against mine and see if I was doing anything wrong as recently I have been logging on very late on this server and hardly find anyone to play with. I was also a police officer earlier last year when Asdrubael (which was awesome back then - still is now) was still here and have been playing as an officer for 2 months now and have been enjoying playing as a police officer so much that I couldn't wait to get back into the swing of things again but I really did not expect these turn of events to bring me here. Once again I really enjoy playing as a police officer and I really did not expect this to happen AT ALL and I am sorry for the admin who I swore at a few times (I was killed by PLF literally twice in a row) so I was slightly annoyed at the time. I am hoping this can be resolved as I have been logging on as a police officer daily for pretty much the last 2 months and this is the the first problem I have encountered since becoming a police officer and have put a lot of effort and time into where I have got so far.


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I was close!

Awaiting Vacatio

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Because of your attitude in ts after i will give you another chance. I do not doubt that you have given a lot of your time to the police force, but behavior like this is unacceptable. I was trollish and rude, but as i said you did sound generally sorry . Whether you stay in the cops is a matter for you to discuss with a high ranking police officer, but i will let you back o the server.  

Accepted-Awaiting UnBan As of 5/2/14 
Please post your GUID Here for wilco. 
His GUID : 76561198084407213
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