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Banned for using mic side chat. (Unbanned 18/11/2014)

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Well-known member
The Netherlands
After an absence of a few months I thought it would be fun to play some Altislife...

Some nice updates here and there, nice...

In a few minutes my car was stolen, twice, haha, I was being shot at, followed and what not.

In all this I used my mic in side chat, for like 5 seconds, im so sorry and ashamed. I allways shouted at the annoying noobs using side chat. While i was being follewed, shot at and what not, trying to find the right buttons on my new wireless Rapoo keyboard, wow amazing, I accidentally used the side chat. Nothing more, nothing less, just a mistake.

As I said, im sorry and ashamed of myself.

Please unban me, and please let me enjoy my few million I got left, the money I spend hours on making.

Btw, this is my first unban request and also sorry for my bad English.

And I dont even remember when this happened, few weeks ago, 3 at the most, all I know is that Wilco banned me and I did not get any warning, maybe I missed it, I was a bit busy trying to survive... :)

Btw 2, nice updates!

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You didn't respond to me... so waiting your response to what i said.... once you have supply your GUID

Sorry for not responding to your previous message.

I wanted to follow this forum but it didn't, this also happened on this forum.

But here's GUID: 76561198051429456. ( its the number from the url from your steam profile page right?)

And thanks for your time, and again, im sorry... And ashamed...

A thoroughly decent ban request, Sir! For the record, your English is better than a lot of the English people who post on here.

Double congratulations!

Wow, I feel so amazing now! Thanks REVerend... 

Thanks REVerend, for the double congrats. Thanked you twice as well!

Wow, im amazing...

You need to provide your GUID. It is the extremely long alphanumeric string that pops up beside your name in the bottom leftwhen you log into a server.

Cant find it !! :D

But maybe this? 


Found this is my arma profile... settings, profile, edit...

Thanks Elitespartan!

This is my GUID Wilco:


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