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Banned, for trolling I guess, let me explain!


Hey there,

So today I played altis for the first time, I actually bought ARMA 3 for this mod so I was really excited. I had fun for about an hour, collected some apples as I have seen in a tutorial and that was pretty much it, didn't have other issues.

Then I've spotted a couple of cops holding someone that stole a car and I decided to run around them in circles. The point of this was, for me, to be taken to jail, I was really curious to experience this on my own as I have seen it previously on youtube, so I needed to be "a troublemaker" in order for this to happen. I didn't expect I would actually get banned for this

I'm sorry, if anything please keep in mind that I didn't want to troll anybody. Is it possible to get unbanned please ?

Thanks for the consideration!

In-Game Name : Max

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I've got to point out its pretty fitting that your name is madmax cause it was pretty crazy to troll the cops


90% of these ban appeals are people that haven't read the rules.

Ignorance of the rules shouldn't be a reason for people to get unbanned in my opinion. It clearly states when you log in to read them, and after that it is your responsibility to know them. That being said I do hope you get unbanned. Seems there needs to be a more obvious message of the rules for new players, or have them pop up when you log in or something.

It is indeed my fault, I haven't read the rules. I didn't know the rules were so strict. If I do get unbanned I will make sure to read them before getting on the server again!

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It is clearly in the rules that trolling in any way will result in a ban BUT, I really think that for new comers it should be made really clear at the start or implement some sort of warning system

Any chance for me getting unbanned ? I'm sorry for what I did and I promise it won't happen again

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It's not in my hands, but I'd say you should get a second chance. Even thought I have to agree Jay: If you don't read the rules: Fuck you. The only thing that makes me feel like we could forgive you is that you actually moved your ass over here and explained yourself quite well (better than 90% the players), which shows me that you mean it or at least plan to stay on this server longer. 

I've finished reading the rules and I understand them now. I see that running around people in a circle (especially cops) is one of the first rules that shouldn't be broken and that's what I did. I understand if I'm not given another chance but I would appreciate at least getting a response from the admin that banned me. Thank you!

Hi MadMax

Thanks for reading the rules, Can you join another server (any arma 3 server) and type in #beclient guid

Can you then PM me the guid or send me a screenshot so i can unban you.

Many Thanks

What message, if any, do you get when you are kicked? Type it *exactly*, please.
