Christ, you're an impatient one, aren't you?
I've gotta say you're not exactly 'elaborating' in any way that's likely to assist your case. In fact, I would go so far as to say that you're making a prize twat of yourself in public.
You've clearly not read the rules of the server, or, worse, you're one of those types that thinks that they don't apply to YOU, simply because you don't like them, or don't agree with them. So you'll interpret them your own way (i.e. carry on doing just what you did that got you banned in the first place) and have the gall to tell the owner (who is not me, btw, it's Wilco. I'm just his bitch) how to run his server!
You have more front than fucking Margate, pal!
You then go on to bitch about the cops, whilst knowing precisely nothing about how they actually operate, or how the reporting of bans by the cops (and by the other civs) is handled on the server.
I see absolutely ZERO reason to revoke the ban, personally. You have not exhibited any indication of having understood what you did wrong. Instead, you just argued the toss about the 'multiple rebels in cities' rule, and said that my second response to you was one of the stupidest things you ever read!
I'm grateful to the Reverend for his interjection, but to be quite frank, you're not listening to him any more than you listen to me. Why on earth would I believe that you will then go on and 'listen to the rules' if we let you back in?
Oh, and just for reference, we have one of the largest Altis Life communities on the planet. Not that we are complacent about that at all - we are extremely grateful and humbled by this popularity - but we feel we have gained it by careful, if swift, use of the ban-hammer in times of crisis, followed up by a process of fair opportunity for perpetrators to state their cases and or show their understanding of the rules, via these forums. Please, don't tell us how to manage our community; it isn't your call, and most of our players (who fill our server to the brim and beyond every single night and much of the day) seem to think that we do things right. We act fast to PROTECT THEM - and quite frankly, fuck the banned; they can answer for their crimes later, after everyone else who understands the rules and behaves, has finished their playing. Nine times out of ten, we get it spot on. Once in a while, we hit the innocent, but we always rectify that situation - and most often, the person concerned will understand WHY they were plonked into the sin-bin - for the protection of everyone else - and take it on the chin.
Some, however, wriggle and whine like childish twats, show no remorse or concept of understanding, and invariably, those are the ones for whom the BAN STAYS.
Oh... look... there.... I've said it.