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banned for no reason (Denied)

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You were banned for trolling and swearing at the police, consistantly and constantly, not to mention the admin right in front of you.

You always take things too far.

If anyone has a group for me to join, hit me up. Seems everyone I did play with got themselves banned by being idiots.

lol i dont want to play on a server where u cant argue. its boring and pointless, you should argue when some arse stops u for no reason.

lol i dont want to play on a server where u cant argue. its boring and pointless, you should argue when some arse stops u for no reason.
Argue is totally different from trolling and being a dick towards everyone

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You were banned for throwing yourself in front of my vehicle and shouting VDM after trolling for a while.

Must have been. Don't be such an arsewipe. I'd sincerely doubt you go running around your city centre hurling abuse at police officers, I fear this may be another case of internet alter ego.

the police only protect corporate interests, so yes, i would.

besides thats irrelevant, i was lagging all over last night, along with steam sticket failures, to perm ban for that is like  , well its just overreaction

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The  ban was no doubt for your ridicilous behaviour, and if you are not going to appologize and promise to better yourself I damn well hope to see:


Appear underneath here anytime soon. We got more than enough serious players here and deffo don't need people behaving like yourself.

If shouting bacon was offending anyone, then i apologise.

but if something so light as that is unacceptable then to be honest i dont want to play here, if you cant have a laugh, whats the point.

So whatever, either way

What on earth are you talking about? Corporate interests? 

Anyway, it's clear you don't fit in here - you fail on the "Adult" requirement.

I tried to roleplay people smelling like bacon after a car crash......

Did it when a policeman had crashed, face palmed afterwards..... DOH!

It's not a nice connotation.

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