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Banned for killing a troll. (Unbanned 12/07/15)

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Active member
Brighton, UK
Your In-game name: henryb

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198127306405

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 


Date & Time you was banned:   

21:50      06/07/2015 

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

6A) You are unable to kill anyone in a green zone (Punishment is a ban)

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

I killed someone for trolling, he got in my car and wouldn't get out. I told him to get out several times and even warned him of the shooting, he completely ignored me and someone said just shoot him hes trolling everyone.

I completely forgot I was in the green zone.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

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You got banned for breaking a rule. You think you can get away with breaking a rule because it was a troll?

You could say I initiated role-play as I said get out of the car or I will open fire. I did not say that it was okay for me to break the rule because he was a troll, as I said I completely forgot I was in the green zone. Last time played altis life uk  there was no green-zone at the garage the map has changed a lot since I have been on. 

But even that is no excuse as I should have updated myself with the rules. 

I'm sorry.

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