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Banned for bad Reasons. (Denied. Don't spam)

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Hi my name is bryno and i was banned for a really uncalled for reason. someone made a post saying i attacked a medic. his name was Shivers and u can see from the video he is a bad person calling me names and Retard, he is a very bad person and harasses everyone on the server, you  banned the wrong person. 

Unaware to me i didn't know u couldn't knockout the medic, as u can see from the video i didn't know the rule and quickly apologized and helped him out after.

this ban was very unjustified . and i am demanding an appeal.

sorry this happened and will never happen again i always play fairly and role play. unlike the kid in the video harrasing me. 

thanks please unbann me now.


the ban doesnt even say how long it is. this is not fair to me at all..

I feel compelled to mention that this guy, and some others, were constantly bickering in sidechat last night. Everytime Bryno got killed he started shouting:




Him and some others were literally shouting (using capslock) all the time blaming the other for rulebreaking and threathening with reports and bans.

This is really annoying, and I know we can switch sidechat of, but this lad needs some education on how to behave ingame. His actions were banable, and he is ''demanding'' a unban without even saying he knows and read the rules.. That normally wouldn't even annoy me, but combine that with his constant shouting of RDM in sidechat and it really makes me wonder if this one has it in him to contribute something to our community..

Thank fuck I'm not an admin tho, I just felt I had to add this here to make sure people got the complete picture. If it is inappropriate, an admin will most likely hide this and I'd be fine with that. Just had to voice my worries.

the ban doesnt even say how long it is. this is not fair to me at all..
It is a permanent ban as this community doesn't do temp bans. All players who get banned can do a unban request once, which will most likely be granted if the person knows what he did wrong and goes and read the rules properly. A second unban is highly unlikely, so if you do get your unban, be sure to be up to date with the rules. And maybe for your own sake, if you can't hold back (like I do, I admitt I answer sidechat to often), turn it off. Nothing good comes from discussing in sidechat anyway, teamspeak is for that.

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Was told by a family of 5 out with their dad that this fellow rdm'ed them in kavala, suprised they havn't reported him too

to be fair i was rdmed alot last night and it was very frustrating. sorry i shouldnt of typed it in side, your right.

And yes i have read the servers rules, and yes i will follow them at all times. this was a honest mistake in this case. 

i have NEVER RDMED OR VDMED anyone, so keep your lies and myths to yourself. thanks 
I wish to point out that approx 2 days ago my friend crashed his car in the Kavala ditch near the garages, I approached him to help him out and you shot me dead without saying a thing. A officer I believe did arrive on scene, however I'm unable to tell you the officers name, as I was dead.

If the officer is reading: He was driving a black hatchback, next to garages you tried to free the car by bumping the rear end of the hatchback off the ridge.

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yes the officer was there and arrested you guys for shooting at me for no reason your correct, you sir are a rdmer and shoot me in the greenzone and the officer will gladly tell you that, goodjob you just earned yourself a ban smarty.

yes the officer was there and arrested you guys for shooting at me for no reason your correct, you sir are a rdmer and shoot me in the greenzone and the officer will gladly tell you that, goodjob you just earned yourself a ban smarty.
The officer would confim my dead body at the scene and also I have been arrested 0 times (If the police can check). My friend Mr. Crisp was the one who was with the officer after you shot me.

End of my part just wanted to point out that you have killed before in greenzone, goodluck on getting your unban as I did see you later in the game and you seemed pretty cool. (Whether it was a mistake that you shot me I don't know)

i never rdm so please dont lie thats not cool if someone shoots at me . runs me over  thats a differnt story, your friend tried to run me over in the sewers how else would you have gotten there.. so enough with that . anyways dont think any admins are on so im not getting unbanned it seems ;(. its a shame i made a lot of friends and accomplished alot in the 3 days i played here. i never break the rules either, i hate rdmers and vdmers.

ive met bryno and he is a very good RP player he RP very well with me i dont think he would of done all this stuff people are bringing up i understand some of you may been annoyed with what hes done on the server but i know he RP very well so i doubt he actually did it all 

He was sitting in Kavala messing around and not being much use to anyone. Started shooting at me randomly when I cam round a corner in my suv and then continued to follow me up the road shooting at my car. Not surprised to see you on the forum.

well your a lier so unless u have a recording everything ur saying isnt true.i  was robbing people in kavala so if you heard shots thats why. take ur nonsence else where. lots of people know i dont do things like that, thanks chris i appreciate the honesty and support :)

as i remember ur the little kid who was chasing me with a assault rifle out while i was robbing someone. thats why u were shot at after i told you to leave. dont act like you didnt try to get involved. 

can someone please help me and out and message an admin to come make a desicion on my case?

been waiting 3 days and id really like to know if ill be able to play again...

thanks looking forward to getting back on the server :)

Wilco where you at?

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